Oregon folks (Washington too) - Chicken Swap in Salem on June 13!

This was better then I thought it was going to be!!!! All of you are so friendly and so wonderful!
I got more then I gave! 2 chicks given away and I came home with 4 different kinds of chicks! All beautiful! And I got quail eggs and SLW eggs(they are in the bator now)

Thank you everyone and I am hoping we have something like this again!!! The food was amazing and I really really loved those bread rolls!!!!

Yeah, I'm not a fan of big crowds either. I met about half of the people. I probably would have done better if I arrived early, or at least on time, instead of late when things were already in full swing.

PinkChick, Thanks for the Welsummers. I'll probably keep some purebreds around as well.

TheKLA, great coffee cake had some for dessert last night and breakfast this morning.

thanks Len, guess a lot of us aren't so good with crowds...anyhow glad you like the c-cake, I've been working on them because my mom (almost 88) loves coffeecake so I've been making different recipes to find good ones to make for her... so lots of practice. Anyone find out what happened with Jessika??
Hi all,
I could not make the swap and still have 6 cuckoo moran roosters and 2 seabright bantam roosters....any takers?
I am in Eugene - happy to deliver up to 45 miles?
plus I am interested in starting a poultry club meeting once a month in Eugene area - similar to Bee club...any takers?
call about birds! 747-4586

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