
I just got him from a person on this forum who is located in California. Her name on here is HeatherL. I cant wait to see him later on this week with his lady friend and 3 pullets!! Im SOOO excited!!

BTW does anyone in Oregon, Preferably within a reasonable driving distance (from portland) know anyone with some high quality BLRW's they would want to part with? I would like to buy a pair of laying hens for my new rooster.. I will pay good money for them.. But they must be high grade, and not hatchery quality..

Any help would be greatly appreciated..

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I totally agree! We live in Lake Oswego and I love the sound of the rooster and various wild peacocks in the hood, just not at 5am on a school/work day. If you're in the country, then well, expect it! LOL.

Well, howdy neighbor!!
LOL - you'd hate to be MY actual neighbor though! I have 16 roosters, and they like to crow when I get home from work....at 3am! LOL
The END? I thought you just said you were born and raised here...you know better than to think there is an END! LOL I know what you mean though...I am so sick of the mud already!
Ok, let me rephrase that...is there an end in sight to the current deluge? Maybe some relief in the near future, like sunny skies for a couple of days?

I do have to say that I appreciate my friends on here...they always keep me in line! LOL
It's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it! LOL

Anyway, nah, I don't pay attention to the weather reports, they're usually wrong anyway. I take each day as it comes. I get up, look out the window, and prepare for the day according to what I see! That way I'm only irritated by the weather, rather than the weather AND the weatherman!
Oh, and John - I got my first egg from my LF Ameraucana pen today!! It was from one of the black pullets I got from Jen at the swap!
Not QUITE as "blue" as I would have liked, but I'm going to see what she does, and decide if I'm going to keep her or not...she's only one of 2 blacks though, so I really don't want to let her go...we shall see...

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