
We had a big load of snow here. I've got 2 turkeys in a pen that has just shade cloth over the top. The snow filled that up and weighted it down until it hung just 2 feet over the ground.

What a pain. I couldn't push the snow off and ended up removing all the shade cloth, shaking it to get the snow off, and reinstalling it. While it was off, the turkeys were staring at the sky and I could hear them thinking, wondering if they could fly that high to get out.

I've got a better pen for them, but was waiting until the current occupant prepared herself to be served for Thanksgiving and vacated. I sure hope that additional snow will wait a couple of weeks, because the pair of turkeys in the shade cloth pen can't stay there any longer if there is more snow.
Ugh. No fun!!
I'm feeling pretty good about season change down here. Got the greenhouse plastic up on all three runs yesterday, bedding changed out, craters raked out in the runs. It is probably ten degrees warmer in the runs this morning and got it done before the rain made to much mud around the edges.

Not much work done on the breeder pen or broody room but no one lives there yet so that's OK for now.

Still need to sweep off roofs and clean their gutters but since the oaks haven't lost their leaves it will wait.
Hello, :D

My family is in dayton Oregon!

Not much weather to worry about, yet. :).

We are trying to find some well bread Muscovy to keep down the slugs, my garden was demolished last year. All previous solutions failed me, crazy mutant slugs I tell you. Lol.

Thinking two max I'd like to keep them to the garden area, 18x40 ft I think it was. We kept a couple mag pies for a while but one was a drake and would not stay off he chickens! So we let go of ducks until we got the garden fenced.

We'd like to show them locally as we'll, our kids show chickens and rabbits in the 4h shows and we'd like to do more of that.
While it was off, the turkeys were staring at the sky and I could hear them thinking, wondering if they could fly that high to get out.

I've got a better pen for them, but was waiting until the current occupant prepared herself to be served for Thanksgiving and vacated.
LOL! I guess the grass on the other side of the fence isn't so green after all?

I suppose I'll unlurk after this! ;-) Popping in from west of PDX.
I am working on integrating my 9 week olds into the flock. I have been letting them free range with the big kids for 2 hours before sunset. They have been cooping themselves into the grow-out tractor. I am going to be moving them into the main coop in just over 2 weeks when my broody hatches out eggs, then she will go into it with the chicks for a couple of weeks.
Hi all! Anyone near Sandy or know someone with some fertile hatching eggs?? I can't find anything on CL lately.. I just got my incubater and am getting it all figured out. Thanks =)
Sorry, don't live near Sandy, but would love to just get some eggs from our girls. We had to start buying eggs cuz we weren't getting any! It seems like all the older girls went through a horrendous molt this year...they were sad looking! Finally turned a light on in the coop a couple days ago, so hoping the girls will start laying again here soon!
Hi all! Anyone near Sandy or know someone with some fertile hatching eggs?? I can't find anything on CL lately.. I just got my incubater and am getting it all figured out. Thanks =)

We are South and West of Portland, but are still getting eggs, and judging by our recent success hatching some out, we know they are fertile. But they'd be mutts ... 5 different roosters for 50 hens, various breeds. You can probably find better choices a bit closer to you.

We also have fertile duck eggs ... only one pair of ducks, so they'd be true to breed if they hatched. We just hatched some duck eggs yesterday.
Thanks for the replys guys.. I know it's not really the egg laying time of year. I just really want to practice some hatching and I have no patience! I was thinking I should try a local market for some free ranging eggs or does anyone know if the Trader Joes around here have fertile eggs...
Thanks for the replys guys.. I know it's not really the egg laying time of year. I just really want to practice some hatching and I have no patience! I was thinking I should try a local market for some free ranging eggs or does anyone know if the Trader Joes around here have fertile eggs...
it will say so on the box somewhere as some think that being 'fertile' adds nutritional value =:~)

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