
Got back from town and it's 99° out here. They are feeling a little better now, watermelon for everyone, the young quail are laying on it. Oh well, at least it's cool to the belly inside or out.
To answer your question, a rooster becomes fertile at different ages. It is like asking, when will my hen start to lay eggs? A good indication is when he begins trying to whoo your hens. Usually @ the 16 week mark. It will take him a few tries to get it right. After you have noticed him doing the dastardly deed, wait a week, then do an eggtopsy. See if you are getting the "bullseye" mark on the egg. I have seen them become fertile at 16 weeks all the way up to 24 weeks. Same as when pullets start laying eggs.


I remember when my fiance first started coming to Oregon from Texas to visit me. It was 85 out and he had to wear a jacket.

I second this. Check the egg yolks for the bullseye. If you aren't sure, there are some really useful photos to show you what to look for, like these: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/16008/how-to-tell-a-fertile-vs-infertile-egg-pictures

Being brand new to chickens last spring (started with feed store chicks, some of which turned out to be male), I was very surprised that we had hatched 2nd generation chicks by last September. It sure didn't take long for everything to start "working."


Nelson (the main perpetrator of Chicken Math around here) moved here from Puerto Rico a few years ago. You wouldn't have believed the shivering that first year.
Got the first egg today from the Cochin bantams. They hatched in January, and they are bantams, so I think eggs at 6 1/2 months isn't too bad. The girl in the picture laid it.
My daughter is covered in a blotchy rash. It's worse than any sun burn she's gotten. So we go to the dr. And my mother in law comes along to help me wrangle my son too. Well dr. Says she got too much sun but that she has hand foot and mouth disease. FIRST thing out of mother in law??? Do you get that from chickens? Sigh. No. I mean really?
My daughter is covered in a blotchy rash. It's worse than any sun burn she's gotten. So we go to the dr. And my mother in law comes along to help me wrangle my son too. Well dr. Says she got too much sun but that she has hand foot and mouth disease. FIRST thing out of mother in law??? Do you get that from chickens? Sigh. No. I mean really?
I'm sorry, as if you didn't have enough to deal with.
My DH is the same about my dog, anything that happens here it must have been my dog that did it. I kind of enjoy it when we catch his dog with red ink all over her mouth.
how is everyone keeping theres chickens cool ive read a few things but none were from oregon so was wondering if yall could help us out and share ideas
High of 99 here today, my birds use a nipple system but I gave them pans of water (some of them like to stand in them) and hosed down some of the ground in their shade areas. Otherwise it was business as usually, everyone seemed to do fine.
how is everyone keeping theres chickens cool ive read a few things but none were from oregon so was wondering if yall could help us out and share ideas
Our place hit 100° today, we've been building up to it for 4 days.

I wet down an area in the run for them to dig their fox holes in. Misters hung along the wire of the runs. I froze bottles of water to put in the waterers. Watermelon and cucumbers are a big hit, even with the quail. I hose down the exterior walls with the nest boxes to help out anyone laying. I've got a fan to move the air in each coop. Putting a sprinkler on the roof will help to cool things down also. The runs have areas of shade all the time.

I've had some panting and spread wings but no serious distress so far. We've got alot more summer to come.

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