

Heck, why stop there. Get all of them microchipped!
Was just at the costal farms in Woodburn they had a pen of mixed chicks, some ducklings, 2 different varities of turkeys and polishes. Oh man a polish chick looks similar to a silkie I admit I was so close to buying some and yet I have chicks coming in April! Got to resist being a hoarder! Lol
I got an egg from my Wyandotte trio yesterday. I want to test to see if the cockerel is doing his job, but I'm going to wait another week or so - they are still settling in to the breeding pen.
Speaking of dog licenses...I was just at the Coos County Courthouse and saw a sign posted that a Fixed (altered) Dog License is only $10, but if they pick up your dog and you have to license said dog, it is a $490 fee!
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Thanks everyone... Good to know there really are some around. I can't get my girls until the end of the month though. I have to live up to my end of the bargain and clean out the garage first. But I guess that is a good thing since I need a place to put the brroder.
From what I've found they can be green blue or pink
Easter Eggers can lay various colours of eggs. I believe Ameraucanas only lay blue, have slate coloured legs and need to be a SOP recognized colour otherwise they should be referred to as an Easter Egger (or Olive Egger) or a project Ameraucana (as in lavenders). Some feed stores and hatcheries label them as Ameraucanas but they are not. Cloverleaf knows way more about Ameraucana's than me, maybe she will chime in. It just irks me when the sellers are misinforming their buyers. Anyone, please correct me if I have stated anything wrong :)

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