
The one in Brownsville that I mentioned, that is coming up in August. Also, out of curiosity, you mentioned that you had a first choice of breed of chicken, but it was too rare, which breed was it?
I was thinking of Black Orpingtons at first...not that rare but not as easy to find as a Salmon Faverolles. I wanted a breed that wouldn't mind being carried around or mind us around them. Then when looking online a Fav Roo caught my 5 year old's eye and she said that he was handsome. :D

Found two more eggs when I got home tonight. It's a month earlier than I thought we'd get eggs. So excited. I'm picturing all the lovely things I'll be baking soon. Again, thanks to all who've answered silly questions and humored me while I post silly pictures. :)
Hi all its me again do any of you have older pullets around 2- 3 months and wanting 6 she does not have a Brooder around the lincoln city area ?
there is a lady looking and can not find any she would like bantams .

541-614-1281 her name is Laura Power

she said she can meet you half way. depending on location
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Found two more eggs when I got home tonight. It's a month earlier than I thought we'd get eggs. So excited. I'm picturing all the lovely things I'll be baking soon. Again, thanks to all who've answered silly questions and humored me while I post silly pictures.

Yeah ... the chicks were cute and exciting and you wished you could have gotten more. But ... EGGS!!!!! THIS is the start of a new phase of your life:
Say buh-bye to the old you!
Yeah ... the chicks were cute and exciting and you wished you could have gotten more. But ... EGGS!!!!! THIS is the start of a new phase of your life: 
 Say buh-bye to the old you! ;)
Ha ha ha!!! That's totally true! Just posted it to my Facebook. I believe my family and friends will be agreeing with you here shortly!
The Sunday July 14 M-I Chicken Coop Tour is almost here. The tour will take place in Monmouth, Independence & Dallas, Oregon on Sunday July 14 between 10 am and 4 pm. Same day $6.00 per vehicle tickets will be available at the home coop at: 1945 Riddell Road, Dallas, Oregon.

We are a rural community and the tour will reflect this. Here are some highlights:
  • 4 backyard coops
  • 2 small farms
  • 1 small family farm will have their pastured meat birds and equipment on display and will share knowledge! A great chance to learn the how-to's.
  • 1 plant nursery raises French Black Copper Marans and Ameraucana - a true treat for people that love plants and chickens!
  • One coop has a spiral staircase, one backyard run is large with an excellent panel system, one coop could be a small house, another one is a great example of $20 repurposed shed & free dog run! All good examples of coop/run styles.

On Saturday July 13, 2013 at 11 AM Gretchen Anderson, author of "The Backyard Chicken Fight" and national advocate for backyard hens, will offer Free Hen Keeping Class at Independence Riverview 50 C Street
Independence, Oregon 95351 She is a great presenter and has much info to offer

[FONT=arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif]I will be at the home coop - be sure to say hi! Rosa will offer demos of beak and nail trimming, Joy Mazeikas, Author of Egg-Song will be on hand, Author Gretchen will be there to answer questions and will have her books available. We will have info on bio-security, local chicken and more! [/FONT]

[FONT=arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif]For More info visit www.MICoopTour.com[/FONT]


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