
Wow!!!! A This is nice! I am mostly into eggs and and enjoying the chickens. I would mostly want laying chickens as I find they have great personalities. I do not know how to PM, but have been succesful at doing it back. Please let me know what you have.


Wow!!!! A This is nice! I am mostly into eggs and and enjoying the chickens. I would mostly want laying chickens as I find they have great personalities. I do not know how to PM, but have been succesful at doing it back. Please let me know what you have.


All you have to do is look on the person's avatar and it gives you the option to PM. I personally have a majorly mixed flock, with a Mille Fleur D'Uccle roo. All of the chicks I've hatched have been gorgeous, and I generally only hatch the eggs from my friendliest hens... although I have to say, that almost all 20 of my birds are super sweet. If you want nice hens, its really all about the time you put into them to raise. Any hen can be sweet, its just up to you to make them that way. Its mostly about nurture, with a tiny bit of nature sprinkled in.
I think I could make it out to Canby this week except For Thursday Dr. apointment as I am on vacation this week. Please let me know what works for you and if possible What varieties I may get. I read some of your reviews on these chickens and they sound good. They don't have to be any show quality as my girls are mainly for eggs and entertainment.

Thanx again'


If you want good layers, you'd want mostly my buff project eggs. The buff bantam Faverolles lay a very large egg for a bantam, and these are 2nd generation out from a cross to Orpington, so they should lay even better than their mommas. :) BUT I also have black/ blue/ splash pens set up and they are laying very well right now. :)
Alright chicken snobs!! Educate me. How do we tell the difference? I should know this already but I've never been a huge fan of beards or muffs or tufts. No offence. But now I should know because I just got what are suppose to be blue aracaunas.

OK...a quick run down...

TRUE Ameraucanas have beards and muffs, lay blue eggs only (some have a greenish tint) have slate legs and white skin only, have pea combs, and only come in one of the following colors: black, blue, blue wheaten, buff, brown red, silver, wheaten, white. Non-recognized varieties that are very near recognition: Splash, lavender, splash wheaten.

Araucanas have tufts (1-3 feathers near their ears) no beard or muffs, have pea combs, are rumpless, lay blue / blue-green eggs, have yellow skin.The only recognized varieties of Araucanas are black, black breasted red, golden duckwing, silver duckwing, and white.

EEs or Easter Eggers can come in any color, or variation of color combinations. They can lay any color egg (I have one that lays brown eggs right now, have had one that laid pink eggs with white speckles on them, one that laid grass green eggs, and one that laid the bluest eggs I have ever seen in my life!) May or may not have beard and muffs. Can have any color skin, and often have green legs, though can have any color legs. They should have pea combs, but can have any comb. Long story short, they are a mixed breed chicken that may or may not carry the blue egg gene, though they should. If I wanted EEs again, I would get them from a private breeder, so I would KNOW what color eggs they would lay. Problem when you cross a blue egg layer with a brown egg layer to make green egg layers is that when those green egg layers are bred to each other, you will get blue egg layers, green egg layers, and brown egg layers, and you won't know which bird will lay what until the eggs start coming out...

More info on Ameraucanas can be found at www.ameraucana.org

A thread dedicated to the differences in the three breeds: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/128806/differences-ee-ameraucana-araucana-pls-post-pics
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Well the last couple days have been crazy. Over the weekend I found some hatching eggs close to home for a co worker because he has a broody that won't snap out of it. Got eggs home sunday. Go to work monday and co worker says, " oh yea, I'm taking all my vacation time here soon and I'll be out of state". Grrr. Well I don't have a bator and dont want to waste the eggs. So his hen is coming to stay with me. But sure enough the ride across town was enough for her to snap out of it. Great!! So this afternoon I threw ceramic eggs in there just to try it. Go back in there this evening. Game ON!! she it's back on the nest and hissing like a ****** of cat. Grabbed the eggs and put them next to her. All the while she is trying to peck the crap out of my hand. Take my hand out and she looks at the eggs like, "where did these come from?". She slid them under herself and got cozy. Cross our fingers.

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