Oreos, five dollars a pack? Say it ain't so...

Sorry to laugh, but I thought my husband was the only one to play this trick!
Nope. I think that's Aggravating Male Behavior # 137, "Eat the treat she was looking forward to eating, and complain about it."

My husband has an even more maddening take on it. Chocolate makes his arthritis flare up, so he usually avoids it. But if I bring chocolate Oreos into the house, he will eat them, and remark, "I'm gonna pay for this" - so not only is he eating them, he's guilting me for buying them!
Desparation makes for strange 'goody' choices.
lady, it is your fault - if they weren't in the house, he wouldn't eat them, and then his arthritis wouldn't flare up. Upon occasion I will buy Oreo six packs - no migraine. The Princess buys a big bag - guarantees a migraine - her fault!

She knows that I have no will power.
Sorry to laugh, but I thought my husband was the only one to play this trick!
Nope. I think that's Aggravating Male Behavior # 137, "Eat the treat she was looking forward to eating, and complain about it."

My husband has an even more maddening take on it. Chocolate makes his arthritis flare up, so he usually avoids it. But if I bring chocolate Oreos into the house, he will eat them, and remark, "I'm gonna pay for this" - so not only is he eating them, he's guilting me for buying them!

perhaps hide them other than one small portion and give to him when all or almost all of the other chocolate is gone, you both enjoy it and no guilt because very little flare up,,,,,,,
And here the "Great Nor'Easter of 2013" has started.
Everyone is paranoid because of the two long power outages incurred after the last major storms that have hit this area. North of us into New England it's gonna be REALLY bad.
The snow from the tail of that storm has just started in northern PA.... I wish everyone the best in this mess! My husband is a plow jockey, so I ought to be nice and make him cookies for when he gets home....
The snow from the tail of that storm has just started in northern PA.... I wish everyone the best in this mess! My husband is a plow jockey, so I ought to be nice and make him cookies for when he gets home....

"It's an ill wind that blows no good." Plow jockeys haven't been picking up a lot of extra $ the past several winters. Make him some cookies and a big pot of home made soup.

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