Organic feed for Broilers

There is no SINGLE "real culprit". And for a change, I agree with what you've said here. The unthinking suburbanites with the pretty green lawns do immense damage, collectively. So do golf course owners, etc. But the MCF's aren't off the hook, just because there's someone else to blame. Neither are any of the rest of us. It's a collective problem, that requires collective solutions. THERE IS NO MAGIC BULLET. As Jeff pointed out, (thank you, Jeff
) all those thousands of people using 30 oz. here, and another 30 oz. there, it adds up to A LOT, tons in fact, every year, plus additional chemicals added throughout the growing season, in many cases.

The truth is, we all contribute to the problem of pollution and contamination of the air, water, and food chain. But the problem can be reduced by awareness, education, and huge numbers of individuals choosing different ways to grow crops, raise animals, clean the house, maintain the yard...and so on. We all have a part to play, whether we know it or not.
It says in the Bible that it took the Creator 7 days to create heaven and earth and everything in it. Ever since the creator commanded man to go forth and multiply, man has been selectively tinkering with all manner of fruits, vegetables,trees, grasses, animals, fish and birds of the air , the very earth and the waters upon it to suit his needs in their time and space for thausands of years. He did so since he was evicted from the Garden of Eden for breaking the creators's commandment to not eat the fruit of the forbidden tree and no longer had residence of utopia. By noticing that animal and foul manures as well as decomposeing bodies and some elements such as carbon, calcium, phosphorous, potasium, etc. help flora to grow bigger and faster man has been applying chemicals to increase their harvest bounty of flora and fauna. From these observations man discovered oil which is the product of decomposition of once living organisms and using his intelect and having to obay the laws of nature, he modified this oozy stuff in such a way that it made a more concentrated form of what he was already using into a more efficient form to make living organisms grow bigger or faster, and/or decrease their parasites or predators for ever increasing bounty. Can anyone scientifically and conclusively prove that anything on this earth is not natural?
Yeah- like George Carlin said... there is no pollution either- maybe the Earth evolved humans because it wanted plastic and styrofoam, and had no way to make it on its own.

Seriously though, drink some gasoline and get back to me as to how natural it is. Just because one can make the argument that everything on Earth is "natural," doesn't mean it's good for us to eat.
We'd best not bring religions into this because there are so very many religions and this is a chicken forum, not a religious one...but a quick biblical-based answer...humans were kicked out of Eden which was perfect as God made it, and for the most part have been making the rest of the world less and less Eden-like ever since. In going forth and multiplying, must we also degrade God's work? Is that not poor stewardship?
i won't argue religion on this, but being kicked out of a paradise would really just make me want to work really hard to recreate it. naturally, everyone's idea of paradise is probably a little bit different, but there isn't any contamination in mine.

as for that "oozy stuff" to help with "ever increasing bounty," umm, it's running out... and what's left is in a constant state of turmoil. people fighting over it and hurricanes destroying rigs. the price is getting higher and higher. if there is a way to do what needs to be done without it, i'm all for finding out about it now, before it's all gone and we're left with no idea what to do next.
I only referenced the bible only due to the fact most everyone in this country has heard of or know the story . Even going back to the secular Big Bang theory and evolution theory it still applies. I will pass on the glass of gasoline just as fast as a glass of pure alcohol as neither are meant for being consumed by man. Both will destroy the normal digestive juices as well as the gut flora. I will accept a glass of fine wine or a bottle of beer however, since that has a low percentage concentration of alcohol and may aid in digestion and surely to my enjoyment. I know of no man that will thrive on a diet of elemental minerals, soil or compost but when it is used to produce a crop of apples or corn, man thrives. I also hear tell that some are growing corn and switchgrass so that another man can modify them to produce biofuels and lubricants to be used for foodstuff production and transportation , or is the little bird that told me just plain wrong?
i don't understand the insinuation that biofuels are somehow the same as petrochemicals. i mean, they surely are in the sense that they both used to be plants and have now been modified into fuel, but biofuels are extremely less polluting. i mean, if you crashed a ship full of switchgrass in the Atlantic, it probably wouldn't be a spectacular thing to have happen, but it is a far cry from the environmental catastrophe that oil spills are.

and while we grow switchgrass for biofuel, we don't use it, or suggest the use of it, to make chemicals to help our crops grow or get rid of bugs. we use it for energy production and to drive the farm machinery. now, we don't grow corn for biofuels because i have a hard time wanting to burn foodstuffs... but that's another issue.

the point to all this is supposed to be whether organics is better for your animals, yourself, and the environment, not that all technology is wrong and bad.
Can anyone help me understand the new math and Al Gore's credit scheme in our new economy? We are told that biofuels burn cleaner, but are they really? Our ranch is over 10 miles from the city limits. Just to go to the grocery store is a round trip of 26 miles, for the shopping mall 32 miles or the doctor's office of 44 miles, and office 47 miles. We own a 2 year old sedan. Prior to the State mandated biofuels for cars in our area we were getting 27.1 miles to the gal. of gasoline as calculated by our onboard computer of engine performance every time we fill up with fuel. Now that we were forced to use the biofuel, we are now getting a whopping 17.8mpg. That is a LOSS of 9.3 mpg. That is a loss of 1/3 miles that we could travel and lightens our wallet considerably as a result.. If we are now burning so much more in biofuels to travel the needed miles, just how are we helping our environment or lessening greenhouse gases or your and mine health due to the same amount of polutants due to increased cumbustion of the biofuels into the atmosphere? Too, we will have to increase the amount of acreage to raise more and more of these fuel crops to make extra biofuels. Intercropping of switchgrass may not be cost effective because one will now have to account for more irrigation water, more fertilizer for the other crop that is now usurped by the switchgrass,and possible loss of crop yield due to overcrowding then seperate the other crop residue from the switchgrass crop to eliminate any biofuel contaminants. That takes time, labor, extra energy, and therefore more money. It seems that now we pay more and receive much less every time we turn around.
and you can see the difference our organic meet is a much richer yellow/ pink, than the pale white of conventional birds
With the Bio-fuels, has anyone thought about what happens to the pesticides, herbicides, insecticide and what ever else in the vegetation that is used to make these 'green' fuels with.

Are we now breathing these? Never gave it a thought before reading Bossroo’s post about his mileage going down (probably due to lower octane levels).

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