Question: Can you get Organic Oyster Shells? If so, where?

I try to sell chicken eggs and people seem to like that I organically feed my chickens. Whether it is a fad or not. Any advice? Recommended brands?
I would think most oyster shells come from the by product of oyster farms, unless you get the oysters yourself from the ocean.
Oyster farms are mostly West coast. Around here they are harvested from the ocean. But even if they come from farms I would be surprised if not organic. Farms put seeds on ropes and drop them in the ocean and then pull them up and harvest them
Oyster farms are mostly West coast. Around here they are harvested from the ocean. But even if they come from farms I would be surprised if not organic. Farms put seeds on ropes and drop them in the ocean and then pull them up and harvest them
Yeah, but I am sure when they are growing the little seeds before they put them on the ropes they are feeding them.
Oysters obtain the calcium carbonate for their shells by filtering it from the water. It is not obtained from a diet.

"Oyster larvae essentially “wrap” themselves around their few little individual molecules of calcium carbonate to get the shell started. They then add to their shell by filtering calcium out of the water."

This might interest you if you are interested in how oysters are farmed (if you can make it through the horrible formatting issues. They obviously didn't use plain text and instead copied and pasted from Microsoft Word into the site.

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