Orlando Florida young cockerels


7 Years
Jun 25, 2014
I recently hatched a clutch of eggs from a mixed group of chickens and the chicks are now 7 weeks old. I need to find some homes for the cockerels. I have one Blue Australorp who is very pretty and one mixed chick that might be a EE /Australorp mix. I have one EE/Silkie mix and a few look to be Black Australorp. I also have one that is all black with black legs and extra toes that may be a pullet.

I am just south of Orlando and I can meet up near I-4 to make it easier for us both. If you want one or two cockerels I would be glad to send pictures of all the available ones. If you are willing to pay for the gas, I can deliver them to you. If you come to pick them up, they will be free.

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