Orloff enthusiast from VT


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 24, 2014
Hi everyone,
I am brand new to the forum and to owning chickens. I recently bought a log cabin on 4 acres here in VT and as we approach spring iI am looking forward to acquiring my first chickens and planting a garden on my own property.

I have been researching chickens over the winter and am interested in the rarer breeds. I already own a rare Curly horse and even rarer Curly mule. So of course I am not interested in buying black sex link chickens from the hardware store, though I think it is a fine choice for others. I have been researching Mahogany and Spangled Russian Orloffs and am quite intent on owning Orloffs as my chickens. But I am having a hard time finding information on breeders and do not feel comfortable with most of the hatcheries. Both Strombergs and Sand Hill have Orloffs. Of these two would people recommend Sand Hill?

I would love to hear more about other people's experience owning them as well as where they bought their birds. Thank you in advance for any helpful information.
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Not sure if you have seen it, but there is an Orloff thread in the Breeds section. https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/297764/russian-orloffs I got some Spangled Orloffs from SandHill three years ago (have more on order for this year also). The ones I had were nice big friendly birds, very pretty with good color. Only problem was did have one that was a "runt" never quite right, was a male so just culled him, the rest were fine. The girls are -very- broody, mine went broody starting the first year, nice layers when not broody, big roundish pale brown eggs. Kept the roosters to about six months, they were really mellow, everybody else dominated them. I really like SandHill, but read their intro page and reviews, and believe them when they say they are not big on communication.

Congrats on your new home!

Great to have you aboard and enjoy all your new adventures!
Thanks kelsie2290, I will check out that thread. I did look through the breed reviews on here earlier today. Good to hear that birds from Sandhill did work out for you. I'm really glad to find all the info on this website. It's more useful than the books I got from the library!
Hope you find a really good source for your birds. Occasionally someone offers them on the BYC Buy, sell, trade forum - you could browse thru that section however you need 20 posts to participate.
it's great to have you joining the BYC flock

If you can find a breeder not a chicken out let as you will only be
wasting your time unless you find someone who worries about
the breed and not the quantity ......

If you want to use the Buy-Sell-Trade forum you will need 20
post but that is as easy as saying hello to 20 new people in the
( New Members Introduction ) not a big problem

I know someone just hatched out some RO's this last week
and is looking to sell them ....

My Spangled Russian Orloff lady's
at 5 months .....

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