Orpingtons and Heat


Orpingtons Bama Style
12 Years
Nov 14, 2007
Just hoping my birds endure the summer. They did last year but they are panting already and it has only got to 90 so far. I put fans in the hen house to keep the air moving and the skeeters away.
One flock of blues was on the lawn today.



Another pen of blues
Your birds and lawn are beautiful.... I read a post on this site that talked about freezing bottles of water to cool the coupe. It said that the birds will sometime lie on them or next to them. I hope this helps.
Thanks Janine, I don't think they would stay cold to long. I put frozen bread dough in loaf pans Sunday on the Backporch covered and they unthrawed and rose enough to bake in 3 hrs
Talk about some good looking fluffy butts! Nice pics.

What will they do in the heat? Probably whatever they did last year. Since you indicate they survived, I'd suggest you do whatever you did then.
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I have some who haven't been thru heat so I hope they make it. I nearly lost one of my splash girls last year. She got broody and wouldn't get off the nest and it was so hot. Nearly had a heat stroke. I had to put her in a tub of cold water. Not let her back on the nest. She got okay in alittle while after puttingher in the cold water. They have shade but 90 to 100 is hot even in the shade
I know what you mean, Julie. I noticed several hens panting yesterday, and it was only in the 80s. It's gonna be a rough summer.

Gorgeous pics as always, by the way!

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Julie~ I could use help with my flower beds if you are up for a road trip
Yours are always so pretty. In the three years we have owned this place I have been sick every summer so have never been able to do it. It's my goal for this year, so far I've just been ripping out weeds and grass patches.
Oh and of course the birds are lovely!

ETA: in the 4th picture, what's that pretty plant with the little purple flowers?
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How about putting the frozen water bottles in from of the fan to cool the blowing air? I would suggest misters, but I don't think they would be as much help in Al as they are in Az

Lovely birds and yard!

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