Our Babies are Growing up!


13 Years
Nov 13, 2008
Spring, Texas
Oh my, but our babies are growing..here they are about 8-9 weeks old!

Wow, but they grow fast!

we have 3 barred rocks. two are really really friendly and the other is a little standoffish. one in particular, I just can't keep off me, if I sit down she has to be on me, her favorite spot is my shoulder. They are a few days short of 6 wks.
Yes, our 4 are Barred Rocks...3 of them seem to come from the same line, but the 4th is "wild one"...she is tame, but just different in behavior, and color. She's a bit darker than the other 3, but still barred...go figger?

Our feed store got them from Ideal, and we picked 4 chicks that were about 2-3 days old. At the time they looked identical, and we chose on behavior...who was striving to get to feed trough; who was drinking from the waterer..., small white head spot, etc.

We have handled them from the time they came home and they are quite tame with us. There is the occasional "sparring" with each other...DH calls it Kung POW chicken!
We have 2 BR hens and one has a yellow beak and darker feathers and the other a black beak and lighter feathers. That's how we tell Whisper and Shadow apart, Whisper being the one with the black beak. One thing we were totally amazed at watching them grow up is how huge their combs get! We were afraid for the longest time that we had two roos! They both lay eggs now so we know they are hens but don't be surprised if their combs are looking pretty big and pretty red by 12 weeks old.

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