Our Baby Peeps and Blue Cochin hen


9 Years
Aug 23, 2010
State of confusion
Our Blue Cochin hen Zoe diligently sat 3 eggs for 20 days, we candled them and found they were not viable and one died while developing. At day 22 I found a lady who had some 4 day old peeps and was willing to sell me 6 of them, so I brought them home and leaving them nearby, let Zoe hear them. She was very alert, looking under her to move the eggs and you could hear her "talking" to them. That night, before we went to bed, I took the eggs from her and inserted the 6 peeps, praying that in the morning when I got up she would take to them and not harm them. This is what greeted me:

See the little peep sticking out of the breast feathers? That was two weeks ago. Since she has been a phenomenal mama, always calling if I slip something easy to eat in there for them, to come eat first. I take their giant kennel out and they have a small 5ft round play pen to enjoy the sun and grass and I love to watch them gamble around, she is very watchful. It is such a joy to watch them bounce around, slip under and around her, and when they try to jump on her back, I can't help but giggle, especially when they slip off or over shoot her back or even 3 of them manage to balance till a 4th one comes along and knocks them all down.

Here is another photo of Zoe and her brood:

We got 2 Ameraucanas, 2 Buff Orpington cross, and 2 Barred Rock cross, I am not sure what they are crossed with but they sure are all cute. I won Mama over by giving her a little ground dry meal worms in the morning and at night out of my hand, now she will almost walk right into my lap if I am sitting on the ground.
For those of you who don't have them or have not been around them....Cochins are the sweetest birds ever. I just hatched six eggs out of my Cochin trio who are now minus one hen. They are the cutest ever!! You have to have a Cochin to realize how sweet and gentle they are!!

I love, love, love the pictures.....thank you for sharing!
How wonderful! She is a beautiful hen and the babies are adorable.

Being new to chickens and having none yet I hadn't considered Cochin's but seems everyone who has them says the same thing about them and thinking now they have to go on the list!
Thank you everyone! Yes, Zoe is a great mama and now that she has babies she doesn't seem so grumbly anymore either. She is a sweet hen too, will come right up to me and is very insistent of her meal worms twice a day!

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