Our Buff Silkie is now a mom!!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 27, 2011
Hi, all:

Despite the odds, our sweet Buff Silkie, McNugget, is now a mom.

Her babies arrived dead from My Pet Chicken on Tuesday. Despite their apparent reluctance to refund us for our 100% percent loss, they did go good for it. Too bad there's no way to make it up to the poor chicks...

My wife managed to find a local farm that sells only bantams. Straight run, but the owner sells only pure bred birds and she agreed to take back the roos for her breeding program!

We got them yesterday afternoon. They were placed under the brooding lamp and got a drink, some food- Nugget was able to hear them peep and craned her neck, looking at the eggs. It was pretty comical! The training eggs were removed from under Nuggie, and the chicks slipped into place. She accepted them immediately, and began clucking to them.

It's really fun watching her care for them. I had to lift her off the nest this morning (she's VERY dumb) but the babies followed her, and she tidbitted their chick ration. They understood, and began eating right away! Neither she nor the babies have been drinking much, but I guess they'll take as much as they need.

So she came through her long wait with flying colors, and the adventure begins!
Ohhhh I'm soooo happy for you!!! That is just wonderful after what happened with your shipping incident. I am just really glad to hear that your silkie got to be a mama and she sounds very very happy!! Enjoy!!

And don't forget to post pics!
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