Our Coop - first two days of construction (not done yet)


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 3, 2014
San Marcos, CA
HI there,

I joined BYC a few days ago, and after much research online, we decided to go with DIY coop, mostly because the ready-made ones are either way too small, or way too expensive.

So my DH got some spare 2x4's from my in-laws, and I jump started the project with my kids (15, 12) the first chance we got, after laid out where we will have the coop.

Not knowing a thing about power tools, we quickly found out long nails doesn't work well to hold 2x4s together, and by the end of the first day, we've got a bottom frame with legs, screws that we couldn't get all the way in, bend nails, and blisters on my right palm, for using screwdriver to literally drive 4-inch screws through the wood... Then DH got home and looked at our pathetic attempt, could only shook his head...

Today is day two of construction, and DH got home at the perfect time, after we got more materials, and my newly borrowed table saw. So, much more progresses are made!

Still need to design how to construct the side and back of the coop, but we've moved the frame to where it will be when it's done, and now I love the view from my kitchen sink!

More to come, we are hoping to move our girls (2 RIR, 1 Buff Orpington and 1 Austalorp) by this weekend, they were hatched May 19th so almost 4 weeks old, and here at San Diego, the weather is never bad :)

It's looking great! And welcome to BYC!
Have you discovered the joy of self-starting deck screws? I use the 3" long ones frequently, and they have a groove that acts like a drill. The star bit comes with the pack of screws and they go in like butter, even one-handed!
Finally, after a week's hardwork with the whole family involved, the coop is now done! Even painted in most sides! Here's the finally report on that, and we are thinking of moving the chicks in today, they are 4 weeks old and the weather is in the 60s.
Day 3 -

Day 4 -

Day 5 -

Day 6 -

Now -


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