Our Coop Project...


8 Years
May 27, 2011
Southern California
I have some pics of the first stage of our coop project- the run. The run itself was already on the property when we moved here, but it was a mess. It's a nice metal framed run, with chicken wire covering the whole thing, welded wire (with bigger spaces then I'd like, but it's what was here) about 3' up around all 4 sides, and roof over all but about 2' on one end. It's a little over 10'x12'. On the coop I'm totally cheating and having my brother build it. He lives about 2 hours away from me and is hoping to have it done so he can deliver it this weekend. I'm so excited! Although, I'm not sure it will be done in time- it might be another week. It will be interesting to see how he delivers it, since I asked for it to be around 8'x12'. Hopefully I'll get some pics of it on the trailer and being lifted off the trailer and put in to place. Here are the pics of the run so far.
This is when we first started cleaning it up-

Then my dad moved it with the tractor so we could level out the ground, and clean it up some more-

Here's my dad with both my daughters on the tractor, leveling out the pad for the run & coop-

Here it is, almost the same spot it started in. I wish I had taken pics of my dad moving it with the tractor. We put chains, connected to each side of the frame, looped them over the bucket and he lifted the whole thing and put it where we wanted it.

The goats were wondering what all the ruckus was (since we're in their yard- they didn't know that they would be sharing with chickens!)

And here are the girls (and maybe roo or two?) in their "new" run!

Hopefully pictures of the coop will be added soon!
I should probably plant something in all that dirt- but it would have to be not only chicken proof, but goat proof too- and I don't think that exists! The chicken run and coop are inside the goats' yard, so the goats visit the chickens often (especially since their run shades a nice spot for the goats to rest in). Maybe I'll scatter some seed and just see if anything makes it to actually growing. We'll see.

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