Our duck flew away twice to the nearby lake!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 21, 2009
I'm not sure if I can let her out of the run anymore but that seems cruel. SHe is 2 months old and was free ranging during the day with her buddy an Indian Runner female (same age) when she just decided to fly to the nearby lake. We took the Indian Runner (Lorelei) with us down to the lake because she quacks like crazy when Indie (the runaway) leaves her sight. She flew back to us right away the first day, the second day she didn't come back until the evening. I can't imagine carrying Lorelei to the lake every day to retrieve Indie but I heard clipping their wings will not let them get away from predators. What can I do? If she flies away for good then Lorelei will be lonely and will quack non-stop.

Also, Indie makes no noise, well she makes a squeak. She has the iridescent purple/blue feathers like the hens and the mottled brown body but doesn't quack. Is this a unusual condition?

Thanks for anyone's advice
If she doesnt quack she isnt a she its a male..You have a mallard right? they all have the colored feathers in the flight wings...The color will change from the brown to drake colors around 4 months..I can already tell my females from males.Thay are 11 weeks today..3 quack and 3 dont..The beak color is different, the size, and if the suns hits right I see the green shimmer in the heads,,
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You can still let them out to free range, just clip their wings. Lock them into a coop or other shelter at night. That way they will be safe from predators. If you're worried about predators during the day, fence in an area for them.
So, she (he) could develop the white stripe on the neck and her brown/black bill could turn orange/yellow? I'm new at the mallard thing

And clipping feathers needs to be done by an avian vet? How often?
So, she (he) could develop the white stripe on the neck and her brown/black bill could turn orange/yellow? I'm new at the mallard thing

And clipping feathers needs to be done by an avian vet? How often?

Still young and if it is male the ring around the neck,green head and rust colored chest,gray feathers..My boys looked like females for a long time then over night they changed..

I have always clipped my wings myself...Had to do it to some girls I got that were grown because they would fly away they had no idea where they were now I dont have to..None of my mallards have clipped wings.Only once a year when they molt do you have to do it..Make sure the wings are fully feathered dont want them to bleed..I always cut 1 wing,left side I leave the first 3 feathers the longest ones and just cut the rest down to the blue/green ones...

Pics of my boys
Looking like female...


Now looking like boys same ducks 1 month later

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So, she (he) could develop the white stripe on the neck and her brown/black bill could turn orange/yellow? I'm new at the mallard thing

And clipping feathers needs to be done by an avian vet? How often?

Still young and if it is male the ring around the neck,green head and rust colored chest,gray feathers..My boys looked like females for a long time then over night they changed..

I have always clipped my wings myself...Had to do it to some girls I got that were grown because they would fly away they had no idea where they were now I dont have to..None of my mallards have clipped wings.Only once a year when they molt do you have to do it..Make sure the wings are fully feathered dont want them to bleed..I always cut 1 wing,left side I leave the first 3 feathers the longest ones and just cut the rest down to the blue/green ones...

Pics of my boys
Looking like female...


Now looking like boys same ducks 1 month later


WOW!!! That's amazing! Indie just might be a boy! I wonder what a Mallard/Indian Runner duckling would look like!

So is 8 weeks too young to clip feathers? Indie seems fully feathered - has been for a few weeks. And just to be sure I understand, you only clip one wing?

I think I could do that...I clip my chicken's wings no problem.

I love the pics of your ducks. Indie looks just like your boys when they were younger but with a black bill.

THanks so much!
Still young and if it is male the ring around the neck,green head and rust colored chest,gray feathers..My boys looked like females for a long time then over night they changed..

I have always clipped my wings myself...Had to do it to some girls I got that were grown because they would fly away they had no idea where they were now I dont have to..None of my mallards have clipped wings.Only once a year when they molt do you have to do it..Make sure the wings are fully feathered dont want them to bleed..I always cut 1 wing,left side I leave the first 3 feathers the longest ones and just cut the rest down to the blue/green ones...

Pics of my boys
Looking like female...


Now looking like boys same ducks 1 month later


WOW!!! That's amazing! Indie just might be a boy! I wonder what a Mallard/Indian Runner duckling would look like!

So is 8 weeks too young to clip feathers? Indie seems fully feathered - has been for a few weeks. And just to be sure I understand, you only clip one wing?

I think I could do that...I clip my chicken's wings no problem.

I love the pics of your ducks. Indie looks just like your boys when they were younger but with a black bill.

THanks so much!

I have a 11 week old right now that has a black bill,I was really wondering want it was as the boys bill are lighter most of the time..But my black bill on is a boy I can see the green on his head and he doesnt quack..

Just 1 wing messes with their balance both wings clipped if they try really hard will be able to fly,,Maybe not to high but they will still be able to get were they are going!!

Here are some pics of my babies


The front one is female 2 in the middle boys and the back one girls...See the difference in bill color...


There are my 6 one you can only see bill in pic 3 drakes and 3 hens
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Thanks xfilesnumber1fan!
So, are you saying that if I clip his/her wings she'll still fly to the lake or she'll fly just not as far? Sorry if I sound like an idiot, I just don't want to do the wrong thing.
The lake is over a few houses and a couple streets away, but we can see it from our house.

This isn't a recent pic of Indie (about a month old) but you can see the bill color (and how adorable he/she is) Oh and I couldn't resist adding a pic of the 3 day old cuteness.


Males that look the same as females are said to be in "eclipse" plumage. When they take on what we think of as male colouration it's called their "nuptual" plumage. Part of the normal course of event in Mallard coloured [Grey] ducks.
If you clip the wing she/he may still try and go to the lake since she/he knows were it is..It maybe a good idea since you dont want to lose she/he..But could be a bad idea if she/he really wants to go may get hurt in trying to get there..My ducks dont go anywhere as there is no where to go..I live in the middle of the city..So no lakes around and no one has ducks but me..Its a toss up on what to do..My cage has chicken wire on top for safety..During the day when Im outside I let them out as my yard is not fenced..Never leave them alone when out of the cage I live on a 4 lane road and people dont know how to keep track of their dogs,,,I cant believe people around here everyone thinks a 150lb dog belongs in the city with no fence no yard no leash...

Baby pic is so cute..Here is mine at 2 weeks



Cant beleive how much they changed so fast..
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