Our ducks still don’t trust us


Jun 10, 2020
Sylva, North Carolina
Our 1 month olds, 2 Pekins, 2 Khaki Campbell. We’ve had them since they were a day or so old, they have grown soooo fast 😭 especially the pekins, they’ve also finally discovered their quack machine. 🤓We love having them, but really wish they weren’t so skittish & frightened every time we go to hold them or put them in the pool. The Pekins especially SCREAM (RIP eardrums) & scratch when we are holding them. They all eat straight from our hands, even yummy fruit & vegetables. Anyone have any ideas on how to get these ducklings to trust us more?
If they eat out of your hand they have already warmed up to you. Have you just sat out with them giving them to chance to just hang out with you? Not trying to pick them up just being with them? Maybe looking for earth worms under rocks is a big deal here with my ducks, even the ones that won’t eat out of my hand will gather round if they think they may get a juicy worms.
If they eat out of your hand they have already warmed up to you. Have you just sat out with them giving them to chance to just hang out with you? Not trying to pick them up just being with them? Maybe looking for earth worms under rocks is a big deal here with my ducks, even the ones that won’t eat out of my hand will gather round if they think they may get a juicy worms.
That’s a good point. This is our first time owning ducks so I guess we have a lot to learn. Oh yeah, I’m usually the one that they see most often because I’m always hanging around talking To & feeding them or changing their bedding. We’ll be starting to free range everybody soon (I have 12 pullets & 1 cockerel), Having everyone together hanging out, foraging, seems like a nice way to bond.
Ducks are not big fans of being picked up let alone being held. Best to just enjoy them eating out of your hand. That’s about the best we can do. Make a way for them to safely get in an out of the pool. :welcome Adorable ducklings❤
i would say it depends on the duck, my pekin boy loves to be held and have his beak pet while he sleeps. my other drake who sadly passed away, would go on walks with us. we would take him to a pond (he couldn’t swim because of snapping turtles) but he would sit with us and climb onto us. then my oldest girl gets mad if i put her down while she’s sleeping on my lap. my newest babies have scratched up my legs trying to climb up me 😂

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