Our First Coop - not finished but almost there!


7 Years
Feb 27, 2012
Inland Empire, Southern California
My Coop
My Coop
This is our first coop we've ever built. No plans just straight from hubby's head. We can't wait to get it finished. We bought stucco netting for the wire because it's a really thick gauge. I'm looking forward to getting the chicks out of the house since the bigger they get the bigger the stink gets. LOL
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I really like the round coop look. It is an unusual idea and I think you should write your dimensions down and add it to the learning center information page we have. It is a great plan and if other people could benefit from your plans that would be awesome! Great coop!! Cant wait to see it finished! :)
Still trying to finish this up. Only things left to do it one more area to cover with wire, a ramp and some roost. I'm working on painting today and forgot how much I dislike painting! lol I can't wait until this is over! Anyone know if bamboo sticks would work as roost?

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