Our first night out in the coop.


12 Years
May 6, 2007
Dayton, TX
Ok I am now down to 3 older chicks. I gave away 4 cockerals the other day. I went and took my 10 remaining baby pullets and placed them in the coop, in the dog pen. The three older chicks were sitting on a shelf watching the wee uns. They were all cuddled up snug and alive! I had my husbands work lights strung up and the thermometer said 85*. They were all alive and that is a relief. I had a dream that they all froze to death. Man, I tell you, being a chicken mom is nerve racking!
My chicks are 6 weeks and I kept them outside last night. It was 55 last night. They seemed no worse bc of it. I checked on them serve times before I went to bed and they were snuggled and fine. Was I lucky or should be alright if the temp remains the same and gets warmer.



Well I totally feel for you! I am already stressing out if ours are old enough.. it's warm enough... to cold?!
etc.. for them to stay out in the coop.. How old are your babies??
There are three older ones about 9 weeks old. I bought them 4 days before my niece was born. And the others are about 3 weeks old. They were driving Aaron crazy peeping all night. They seem much calmer out in the coop.

I hear ya! We are getting ready to move our 1 week olds into a MUCH bigger brooder.. but it's in our garage and I am SO SO nervous, and I think hubby is too, LOL! I told him I would move them today, and he said it would be cold tonight and maybe we should wait. But they are ready to be in a bigger one, where they can stretch their little legs and wings. I thought they could stay in here longer, but no dice. The new brooder is warm and snug, even has a lid if it gets cold, and of course they'll have their lamp to keep them warm.. but they will be so far away! I know I'll end up checking on them like 1ce an hour, and it all stinks.. just won't be as easy to take them out to hold (I've let them run around in the kitchen a bunch of times, while the kids and I sat with them, and held them, and talked to them.). ARG! MY LITTLE BABIES!

I COMPLETELY feel your pain! What if their bulb burns out? What if they are scared? LOL, WHAT IF I am scared?! I'm going to miss their little musical chirps and clucks. I feel like I'm sending my 3 yo old there to live, instead of a batch of baby chicks who won't really miss me at all.

Too funny ladies! I am a freaked out mama too tonite........ it's the babies first night in the "big brooder" (which is 200 feet away in the barn vs. 10 feet from our bedroom on the front porch) :eek:

Tomorrow is their 2 week old b-day LOL

I posted a pic of their current brooder in the "brooder" thread.
Well.........they are starting to "fly the coop" so to speak, and they need more space. I'll post pics of my newest home for them tomorrow. I made a smaller temporary coop inside the bigger outdoor coop. Only because it is still FREEZING here at night......30's and such and I was worried they were too tiny to "find" everything in such a large spot as just to leave them roaming in the 7' x 14 ' area - their current spot is more like 5' x 7' and seriously they still were scared to look around for an hour after I moved them , but they are doing great and will be so happy tomorrow when it's 80 degrees
We live in Wisconsin - when can we move the chicks out into the coop?
Right now they are 3 weeks old and live in a kiddie pool in the heated garage with a 100 watt lamp to keep them warm.....
The thermom. says it's 80 in there - right under the light.

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