Our Friend's Pet Turkeys


Redneck Tech Girl
9 Years
Apr 18, 2010
The guy who gave me the turkey eggs I hatched my three out of also hatched two at his place. He's a pretty much one of those "salt of the earth" guys, but babies of any kind get him completely wrapped up. His turkeys ended up being brooded indoors - for 3 months. They didn't stay in the brooder either - they wandered the house, sat on the couch, and pretty much thought they were people. He did clean up after any accidents, so it wasn't very gross or anything, but it was startling to open the door to come in and be bum rushed by a pair of turkeys. When you would sit on the couch, they would hop up on your lap to be pet.

Well, he finally kicked them outside (but still lets them in as a treat), and what everyone says about 30lbs of lap turkey is true.

He had a gathering at his place, and the turkeys constantly were in everyone's business. A few times, we had to usher them away (they were trying to eat food off the table), but they loved it.

Some pics:

Taking over one of the kids' Handy Manny chair:

Visiting with someone:

And another new friend to visit:

Found another chair:

They are goofy things :)

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