Our Gas Company SUCKS (Rant)


Chicken Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 18, 2008
SE Massachusetts
Okay, so our water heater blew up yesterday and we cleaned up the water and called right when it happened and like 5 times since, 3 just today, and they STILL haven't found a guy. Every time we call, they say "oh yeah, were working on it, we haven't been able to find a contractor." BULL. [grrr].


I know its a holiday weekend and they don't pay them well at all I'm sure BUT. ALL OF OUR FESTIVITIES HAVE BEEN CANCELLED OR POSTPONED AND ITS POURING RAIN HERE. You really can't find even ONE person out of your list of like 10 contractors? Really?

My dad got the number of a few of my grandma's plumbers and just called the gas company again and said were gonna hire our own and send them the bill. They didn't like that but yeah, well. Too bad.

And the WORST, absolute worst, thing is that we PAY for this service. This is a service where they cover things like this and cover up to $500 for the guy to repair it and we pay frickin $18 a MONTH extra for this and you're telling me you can't find one person?


They're in fricking MINNESOTA.

Maybe it's sunny there but its raining here.

They're not even trying. If they were, they'd have someone here.

And I guess they bought out the old company, Bay State Gas, a few years ago, and they're way worse. 4 years ago I guess we had a similar issue and we called (same program) and they had someone come on freaking CHRISTMAS EVE. And they can't have someone come on a [grrr] 4th of July? What the heck.

My dad called the plumber.


We do have cold water but our shower I guess goes through the tank so we can't even take a cold shower.

I had to go my grandma.



The finally called and now their contractor miraculously showed up and is gonna call us. Oh suuuuureeeee, now that we said were gonna hire our own.. nice. I told you they hadn't even tried. They lied. And now it probably won't be covered either.


Greedy losers.

Edit cause I forgot:

OH! And we also said we're gonna call the utility commission lol that's probably why.
A plumber my dad called called my dad back and he can't do it cause he's off but told him about this other guy, that was also on my grandma's list anyways, but my dad thought he was retired lol
I guess so but you'd think they'd at least call.

But it has been 24 hours, it's probably been a day and a half now.

I get it's a holiday but still.

But 3 or 4 days? That's a long time, especially for an emergency..

Yeah, it's not an emergency emergency but we have no shower and what if it was winter?
But I guess plumber isn't as big an emergency as some of the other things because it's just water, but a week without a shower?

Luckily, we do have my grandma's, but still.
No shower is not an emergency, thats not even high priority. Mid winter it could take a week or two to get a plumber around to you. I think the post on facebook from a local sheriff in Ga back in the winter said his pipes were busted an the basement was flooded. He was number 60 in line for his plumber.

Yep found it..
I guess that makes sense but still. I mean, I know there's bigger emergencies but it breaking is still pretty important. But I do see where you're coming from I guess and that post was pretty funny hahah
But luckily we caught it as soon as it happened and drained the tank last night so it didn't flood badly.
Also, I guess what I more meant about winter is the heat.

I know that's not plumber but it's still the gas company

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