Our goat had 2 babes..


14 Years
Apr 26, 2009
Grainger County,TN
So..I guess Gertrude( not sure on breed) got herself knocked up.by our pigmy buck( now deceased) she had 2 boys( Charlie and Grim)

They where born with springs as legs.. not even 2 days old and jumping around like crazy

I am so in love with them.They are precious and sweeter than anything I ever seen.. and SOOO tiny..

Mere minutes old here.It took all of 5 minutes for them to be born.. black and white came first , then brown one right after..such an easy birth.

a little later.. still a little wet and wobbly.
Thanks :) we where NOT prepared at all..The barn needed to be wrapped in plastic cause of wind and rain.. drafty.. heatlamp had to be hung, and fresh hay/straw to be put down. we left to town to get a bite to eat and I checked the nanny cam and she already had the black and white one so we raced home and they where already up and nursing. We think momma is half fainting goat but not sure on rest. Both are boys and we will use thebrown one to cover other pigmy then get both fixed. I lost my Tennessee walking horse last year and had to sell my mule so goats are a good replacement.Besides the chickens of course.
Make sure the goats cannot reach the plastic. My neighbor's goat died because he ate a bellyful of the stuff. Goats will chew on anything.
The plastic sheeting is on the outside. they cannot reach it.. and oddly enough.. none of my goats ever bother anything man made.They have so much food around here,, they wont even bother the hay most days

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