Out Doors Nature Club (By: CaboodlesChicks and friends)



Feb 17, 2017
South Carolina
Hi there! I'm CaboodlesChicks and I have had the greatest idea EVER!!!

I have come up with this thread! We will have scavenger hunts, we will play Who Let The Chickens Out, and much more out doors-sy, wacky, fun and sometimes just little game things!!! :D

So if you want to join this club, just sign out this form! ;) (Hey, I gotta make it real!)

Sign this to enter:


Your animals:

Do you have a backyard or somewhere that is like a backyard:

Do you have trees:

What type of trees do you have:

Do you have what it takes to join this club:

I will assign you a club name after you join! :)

If you need anymore information​, please just ask! :D

I had help with this thread from:


The person who made my mind think of this idea was:


(She simply just answered my question! :lau I guess that's how my mind works!!! :lau :lau :lau)

Thank you

Before I start the fun, let's make sure I have enough club members! :)

Check out the Member Page, to see what people's club names are, so you know what to call them! :D
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Username: HeavensHens88 (AKA Ash or Sarah ;) )

Your animals: Oh, Great Sirius, here we go: :lau
1 dog.
2 cats.
1 Bearded Dragon.
1 Eclectus parrot.
2 Bengalese finches.
8 bantam hens.
8 standard hens.
6 bantam roosters.
3 standard roosters.
1 guinea cock.
2 Jersey Wooly rabbits.
20 peafowl. (Assorted varieties)
15 Sebastopol geese.
1 Khaki Campbell duck. (With 6 Call ducks on the way! :weee)
2 Canadian geese.
1 pet deer. (Long story: he's not actually contained, but...)
1 tame Blue Heron.
4 emus.
Innmuerable frogs within 5 tanks.

Do you have a backyard or somewhere that is like a backyard: 13 acres of woodland and meadows. ;)

Do you have trees: Over 3,800 last surveyed by our friend the aborist.

What type of trees do you have: Oak, Maple, Mountain Ash, Quaking Aspen, River Birch, Pines, Sycamore, and copious more which I forget the names. :lau

Do you have what it takes to join this club:
Is. That. A. Challenge??????

Asking me if I'm up for a challenge is like asking if chickens have feathers. :lau
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Your animals:Now, I shall ONLY list the pets I HAVE.Not the ones I WANT.
1 Dopy Dog
1 Adorablely Annoying Cat
5 Fish I Have Manged to Keep Alive(Long story)
10 Chickens Demandeing adorable chickens
1 Duck
1 Spider who has taken over my pearl necklace.
A tame chipmunk named Nutso
A dead chipmunk who my cat killed named Nutty
A chickadee who will eat out of my hand.
And a adorable nuthatch named Rosie.
Ok, Nutso, Nutty, Chick-A-Deeeeeee and Rosie aren't Pets but they are tame animals in my woods.

Do you have a backyard or somewhere that is like a backyard:UM YUP.73 archers of land.63 of which are field/lawn/spaced out tree area.

Do you have trees:LOTS

What type of trees do you have:Ummmm,Uhhh Oak, Uhhh Maple, pine......?Er....hehe

Do you have what it takes to join this club:I WAS BORN READY!
Alright guys! Great forms by the way!

To join repeat after me:

I will follow all club rule,
I will always believe that recycling is the right thing to do,
Rather I do it or not,
I will never fuss, fight or gripe, (Oh, that totally rhymed!)
I will be friends with all living things,
This includes plants and trees as well,
I will never turn down that I am a part of this club,
I will say this club is great.

(You don't have to say that last part! :lau)

@HeavensHens88 your club name will be...

Fawn (For deer owner)

@Cluckcluck1215 your club name will be...

Chip (For Chipmunk owner/friend)

If you don't like your club names, please tell me and I can fix your name! :D
I will follow all club rule,
I will always believe that recycling is the right thing to do,
Rather I do it or not,
I will never fuss, fight or gripe, (Oh, that totally rhymed!)
I will be friends with all living things,
This includes plants and trees as well,
I will never turn down that I am a part of this club

Can I be Snow?Since I LOVE Snowy Owls?
"I will follow all club rule,
I will always believe that recycling is the right thing to do,
Rather I do it or not,
I will never fuss, fight or gripe,
I will be friends with all living things,
This includes plants and trees as well,
I will never turn down that I am a part of this club,
I will say this club is great,"
Fawn intones with the utmost solemnity, her hand plastered over her heart as she turned her eyes to the forest, where unknown adventures awaits.
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Username: TheKindaFarmGal

Your animals: As of today, 1 rabbit, 1 owl, 1 peacock, 2 cats, 3 dogs, 2 guineas, 50ish mutt chickens, lots of tilapia, koi and 2 cows (one pregnant). I'm getting ducks hopefully next week and quail again sometime soon!

Do you have a backyard or somewhere that is like a backyard: Yes.
Do you have trees: SO MANY!

What type of trees do you have: I'm only going to list a few, I can't remember all of them. Mango, papaya, banana, avocado, pomegranate, pear, acerola cherry, orange (different types), lemon, apple, yellow plum, peach, guava (two types) and queen palm just to name a few.

Do you have what it takes to join this club: Like Kyndra, born ready.
Username: TheKindaFarmGal

Your animals: As of today, 1 rabbit, 1 owl, 1 peacock, 2 cats, 3 dogs, 2 guineas, 50ish mutt chickens, lots of tilapia, koi and 2 cows (one pregnant). I'm getting ducks hopefully next week and quail again sometime soon!

Do you have a backyard or somewhere that is like a backyard: Yes.
Do you have trees: SO MANY! :th

What type of trees do you have: I'm only going to list a few, I can't remember all of them. Mango, papaya, banana, avocado, pomegranate, pear, acerola cherry, orange (different types), lemon, apple, yellow plum, peach, guava (two types) and queen palm just to name a few.

Do you have what it takes to join this club: Like Kyndra, born ready. :cool:

To join repeat after me:

I will follow all club rules,
I will always believe that recycling is the right thing to do,
Rather I do it or not,
I will never fuss, fight or gripe, (Oh, that totally rhymed!)
I will be friends with all living things,
This includes plants and trees as well,
I will never turn down that I am a part of this club,
I will say this club is great.

(You don't have to say that last part! :lau)

@TheKindaFarmGal your club name will be...

Trep (For "you are way up on your step with those trees")

If you don't like your club name, please tell me, so I can fix it! :p
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