Out Doors Nature Club (By: CaboodlesChicks and friends)

I will follow all club rules,
I will always believe that recycling is the right thing to do,
Rather I do it or not,
I will never fuss, fight or gripe, (Oh, that totally rhymed!)
I will be friends with all living things,
This includes plants and trees as well,
I will never turn down that I am a part of this club,

It's a fine name.
Alright, who wants to play Who Let The Chickens Out, the short version!

Can you guess who let the chickens out!?

Was it...


One day the Chicken door unexpectedly and mysteriously got unlatched!

We think it might be the cat, the chicken or the man in black!

Here is how everyone​'s day went!


The cat says he did his daily routine we asked him what that would be, the cat began to tell us. First the cat wakes up, goes to the kitchen and eats his breakfast. Then the cat goes outside and takes a stroll near the pond. The cat enjoys the pond. Then the cat goes over to the chickens thing rubs all over it and then next, he goes back inside and takes a nap.

The Chicken:

The chicken wakes up, eats its breakfast, lays an egg and then goes to the door to wait for it's master. The chicken pecks at the door while it waits.

The Man In Black:

The man in black wakes up, puts on black and goes outdoors to feed the chickens. The man in black opened the chickens' door. He feed them and closed it back up. He then went inside and ate his breakfast.

Who did it guys?
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Come guys! Guess who it is! :D The main reason it sounds like they all did it, is because, it's more of a "guess who did" right now! :)

I'll do this game multiple different ways, but that's how I did it this time. :) I was rushed to type it! :hit
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I think the cat because the cat sounds suspicious because he over-elaborated about the pond, when that was really irrelevant. :cool:
And cats are always guilty. ;)

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