Out Doors Nature Club (By: CaboodlesChicks and friends)

I hope Finn don't kill you!

So, your okay with your club name, right?

Ohhhhh!!!!!!!!!! I must've copied someone else's post. Just read over and I accidentally copied Sarah's post. OOPS!!!!!!!
I do know one thing... We can not let her know if our plan!

Alright, here's the plan! Before we start...

1. Who wants to help with the plan?

2. To let you all know, just in case you don't know, CM6RIR and I are sisters, that's why I am doing this! :D

3. Can you admit and do your part?

Everyone answer and we'll get this show on the roll!!!

Here's the plan!

Step 1. On my chat thread we'll start to talk about this amazing thread, but we won't say the name. I'll start it off and say, "Oh yeah! That's a great thread!" Then from there you guys will start to rave about it, NOT saying the name of the thread. We'll have to go fast with it, so she doesn't realize nobody said anything, so we will have to post a lot, but we can do this.

Step 2. When she ask what is so great... Someone will say, "Out Doors Nature Club!!!"

Step 3. Hopefully before she can say anything, we'll began to rave again. "Yeah! I love it!"

Step 4. When CM6RIR begans talking with us, someone will say, "You know you can join, right!?"

Step 5. Somebody else trying to answer before her, will link the thread. :D

Step 6. Sit back, relax and see if she joins! :fl

If you have a better idea, please tell me!

If this plan don't work, expect it not to, just in case it doesn't, we'll make a new plan! :D

P.S (again)
This is just a base, I will choose the people to do the stuff and if there are more people who want to help, I will give something to them to do and trust me, I have something for them if they want it! :D

Username: MissNutmeg

Your animals:
~Seven chickens including a rooster (hope to get more soon)
~One sweet Labrador Mix named Diamond
~Last but not least, my very grumpy bunny <3

Do you have a backyard or somewhere that is like a backyard: Yes, like 5 acres.

Do you have trees:
Lots and lots.

What type of trees do you have: Uh, pine trees, sycamore, etc.

Do you have what it takes to join this club: Sure!
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