Outdoor nesting


8 Years
Oct 13, 2011

situation- new with 5 hens and just learning their ways. Hen(s) started laying last week and just found that there is an outside nest also. We don't know how many are laying but there has been only one egg at a time in the nesting box. when I let the girls out the hen that appears to be the queen disappeared and I found her nesting in the tall grass next to the coop. it looks like about 4 eggs in there. will knocking the grass down deter them from laying there. I'm also thinking that I should get some hay to line the nesting box.


We had a similar issue. Just keep them in the coop till noon or so for a few days until they have to lay in the nest boxes. If they begin to lay on the floor, gently put them in the nest box, and block it so they can't get out. keep them their until they lay, or until you are sure they will not produce an egg that day. Instinctive layers are a good thing, you just have to convince them your spot is better.

We put a big pile of straw in our boxes and replenished it for about two weeks, then they had them just right. Every now and then, we add a bit to keep em busy before laying.
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correct...I had this too, not only on lock down till noon or so, but I also added a curtain in front of the boxes....privacy and all you know...no more issues!

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