Overhead fencing / netting questions free range


5 Years
Apr 15, 2014

I have a few questions concerning netting over my garden. During summer I will keep the chickens confined to the coop and their run, however, in winter I want to open their run and let them free range in garden. Will I need to put netting over the whole garden or if they are full grown do I not have to worry. I plan to put them in the coop at night and was wo seeing if it would be dangerous to leave them in an open area during the day. The lay out is 15x15 square 1/2 is the coop and run and half is the garden. Let me know what you guys think.
It depends on your situation. What type of fence is around your garden? Will it keep out any wandering dogs? Are you located in the country where hawks would be more of a problem, or a more suburban area. I live somewhat in the country and let my chickens out of their 12x20 covered run almost daily. They have the run of a 2 acre yard that is unfenced. I have never had a problem with hawks, although I have seen them sitting in trees watching the hens. If you have a rooster, they will usually see to it that the hens come back to the run or get under cover, such as shrubs etc. Some people make small shelters placed around a large uncovered run (like drums with both ends cut out, plywood leaning on blocks, anything they could get under). I would let them have the run of the garden, if the fence is secure enough to keep dogs out. They are so much happier being able to get out and dig around, take dust baths, and just be chickens. However...if you have any perenial plants in your garden, they will either eat them or may dig them up! You wouldn't think of chickens as diggers but they are! They can wallow out some serious holes when they are taking dust baths! They can also fertilize and loosen the soil and eat many many worms, grubs, and bugs. I say go for it
Thanks for the response, I have around 2 acres, but we are near a big road, so i think i might keep them confined to the garden, not sure yet. I may end up making the fence higher around the garden and keep top open. We have a lot of trees and not a lot of big opening, so I don't think i have to worry about hawks. The dogs use the front yard for their business so i don't have to worry about that.

Thanks for the input!

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