Overly tired chick- is this a bad sign?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 30, 2011
One of my chicks was sleeping. I noticed it was the only one. The other ones would run over it and it would lift its head a little and crack its eyes and go back to sleep. I picked it up and it complained for a minute but calmed really quickly. I put it down and it went right back to sleeping. Is this a chick on the way out? Anything I can do?
Help- chick is very lethargic now. Other chicks were bugging her and pecking at her so I put her in a little box with a little food and a little molasses water (not sure if she has the energy to get anything herself) and I put a heating pad under it. Is there anything else I can do? I feel so bad for her.
I got her to drink a little and every once in a while it seems like she jumps or something, but she hasn't moved otherwise.
I had one do they last week I tried everything unfortunately it passed away on day 3 I thought it was getting better because it's energy had picked up a little and I got it to drink but it didn't help sorry I really hope you have better luck
I am nursing my baby so I didn't get a good look, but it looks as if this little chickie has passed. Poor little thing. :(

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