Oyster shell not available currently-what else do ducks like?

Good to know! I won't do that if I get desperate!

Chewy is still out of stock...
Our neighbors have been kindly giving us their eggshells. If you are on next door, you might put a posting up asking for them, if you get desperate. So far, the crushed egg shells seem to be working fine, as I'm not seeing any shell issues in our eggs.
Our neighbors have been kindly giving us their eggshells. If you are on next door, you might put a posting up asking for them, if you get desperate. So far, the crushed egg shells seem to be working fine, as I'm not seeing any shell issues in our eggs.
Thanks for the tip! I've never tried feeding them eggshells because they love grey oyster shells so much. But I think I'll have to start doing that soon. I hope they'll eat eggshells. My ducks are very set in their ways!!
Thanks for the tip! I've never tried feeding them eggshells because they love grey oyster shells so much. But I think I'll have to start doing that soon. I hope they'll eat eggshells. My ducks are very set in their ways!!
Mine are set in their ways too. They're the 'my peas are touching my rice types..I won't eat it' and turn up their noses at any changes in food. They do, however, love eggshells. When I get coffee grounds from a local cafe, there are eggshells in there. I have to make sure to pick them out before they come to investigate what I'm doing because they will fight over them. Ducks ingesting caffeine soaked eggshells. What could go wrong?
The oyster shell shortage is so frustrating. My picky girls prefer the flaked variety, which is hard to get.

One vendor I like is finally being available on the 15th this month. But their prices went way up.

I can get Purina in the interim, but they are kinda rocky. I’m hoping they’ll eat some of that.

I thought I found a good supply of crushed shells and ordered 4 5 lb. bags, but they are weird. Not at all what they looked like online. Actually brown and a weird texture. I contacted the vendor and he said, yeah I’m getting a bunch of complaints about that, I’ll have to switch suppliers. I think what I got was some kind of grit. He was offended when I requested return of order from Amazon.
The oyster shell shortage is so frustrating. My picky girls prefer the flaked variety, which is hard to get.

One vendor I like is finally being available on the 15th this month. But their prices went way up.

I can get Purina in the interim, but they are kinda rocky. I’m hoping they’ll eat some of that.

I thought I found a good supply of crushed shells and ordered 4 5 lb. bags, but they are weird. Not at all what they looked like online. Actually brown and a weird texture. I contacted the vendor and he said, yeah I’m getting a bunch of complaints about that, I’ll have to switch suppliers. I think what I got was some kind of grit. He was offended when I requested return of order from Amazon.
Another thing…I could care less about egg production, but I worry about the girls not getting enough calcium…that would be very unhealthy for them.
Hi everyone,

Currently here in Sonoma County CA oyster shell is not available and the feed stores are unsure when they will have any available. Any ideas about what else I can give my ducks? I have tried the other standard chicken calcium and no one touched it, not even the chickens :(

thanks for your help,

love the duckies
Look on Amazon I’m sure you can get it there.
Just wondering if anyone's found a good alternative that ducks will eat. I've heard if you use eggshells, you have to peel off the inner membrane first, which is hard to do with mine. Also, anyone have news on whether the supply issue in California will be resolved soon?

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