Packing peanuts-brahmas!


6 Years
Apr 8, 2013
I was sent 7 packing peanuts with my order of 10 chicks (for 17 chicks total
). The peanuts are 6 weeks old, and are all definitely brahmas. Is there a decent chance that a couple of my brahmas are pullets? I can't find anything online about day-old sexing for brahmas...? It is clear that several of the brahmas are roos, but I'm hoping that at least one brahma will be a pullet. I'm not ready to post pictures, I'm just wondering about the sexing techniques for brahmas and if it's 100% clear, like sex-linked chicks, or a little ambiguous.
There's a VERY high possibility that every single one of them will be a rooster. The last time I placed a hatchery order I received 12 packing peanuts (production reds). You guessed it, all boys.
Yeah, I pretty much figured they are all males, but was holding out a tiny bit of hope for a pullet or two. Thanks.
On day one for sexing the ones with wing feathers growing are the females. I sex mine at 2 weeks, longer tails are females and shorter tails are males because their tail feathers grow in later

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