Paint ball netting for turkey pens/run


9 Years
May 22, 2010
Spring Lake NC
i would like to know if this paintball netting will work or be safe for my turkeys I am planing to use it for the side and top of the runs wha do everyone think

Looks pretty dense! What is it made out of? It would need to be something that can resist being outdoors for a long period of time. (uv ,etc)

If it can stand being outdoors it will work. I personally would want something more see through but that's me.
I'm not familiar with it. I use shade cloth, which looks similar but is probably lighter weight. I've got it over the top of a welded steel dog kennel and it stops attacks from the air, but probably would not stop a raccoon.

So, it would depend upon how tough that net is and upon what predators you have in your area. It's also going to be affected by how tightly you can fasten down the edges. That's where raccoons usually get in; they will find an edge and work on it until they get it loose.
Don't have many predators raccoons , possums comes up every now and than but most are trapped I have no air predators I am making three 8x16 pens going two use it on the top and on the two dividers and use fencing for the outside walls
Just be aware that the netting could easily be chewed through. Hopefully you don't have coyotes/foxes in your area.
I have a privacy fence around the yard the pen will be in so the netting will only be on the top and in the inside to the divide the three pens

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