paint for coop

My chickens haven't pecked at the painted inside of their coop. I painted the inside of the coop with some semi-gloss exterior paint that I picked up cheap from the "oops" shelf at Lowe's. The gloss and semi-gloss are supposed to clean more easily than flat paint.
The back of my house is one side of my chicken pen. My house is old and has peeling paint, except on the side facing the chickens where they have pecked off all the peeling spots. I don't know if they are eating it or not, they may just be going after the spiders and bugs there.
I need to get them a ladder so they can do the whole wall, then it will be all prepped for new paint.
Chickens will only peck at *peeling* paint.

Paint ought not be allowed to get to peeling ANYhow, because then it is no longer protecting the wood. (Starting with a clean fresh surface, priming well, and using multiple *thin* (not thick) coats of paint will radically reduce the chance of your paint getting peely)

So, chickens aren't going to peck at anything that didn't need to be re-done ANYhow

Good luck, have fun,


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