Pale & heavy breathing😥


May 21, 2023
Los Angeles, CA
Hi all,

My 11 month old Wyandotte who keeps getting bullied (see green ear thread) is looking pale and has strained breathing now. I’m guessing she’s being ostracized because she’s ill…

I don’t hear rales (she had them as a chick) or see any eye bubbles or discharge, though her nostrils are a bit dirty. Laying fine, acting normal most of the time though she relaxes her wings down all the way when sitting.

I’ve had her with a buddy while her ear/head was healing from pecks but maybe I need to isolate her again?

What would you suspect? What can I do to support her?

Thank you in advance!🙏🏼


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Poops are normal. She is dust bathing, scratching and pecking, tail wagging even, but the heavy breathing is worrisome. It’s slow and heavy, can see chest move, but beak closed.

It’s been rainy here again (every weekend for the last month) but they have access to wet and dry spots.

I have a video of the breathing but don’t know how to upload?

(Edited to add & fix error)
The best place to upload a video is to YouTube or Vimeo, make it public, and post a link here.

I agree she looks very pale. How old is she? Does she lay eggs? Can you look her over for any lice or mites on her skin under the vent, belly and elsewhere? Mites can cause anemia, and some of those (common roost mite) may only come on them at night. Has she been wormed recently? Look for any enlargement or abnormal fullness in her lower belly between her legs that may be fluid. I would offer some small bits of beef liver daily, or Poultry NutriDrench 3 ml daily for iron and b vitamins.
She’s 11 months, still laying great.

I checked for mites in the vent area but I’ll do a more thorough inspection when I have someone to help.

I do have Nurtidrench on hand, I’ll start with that. Thanks!
So I haven’t seen any mites or lice on the birds or on the roosting bars, but I can’t be sure that’s not the issue. I went ahead dusted a few birds and dust bath and the roosting bars with sulfur and will do it again in a few days.

I haven’t wormed them at all and the oldest 2 are now 18 months so maybe that would help. Are there any effective ones that can be added to their water, or do I have to give it orally?

She’s maybe doing a little better, now just her ears look pale. Still active, laying, eating, drinking, scratching around. The one bully keeps chasing her down ans jumping on her so I’m taking turns isolating her (so she can relax) and the bully (who’s very loud about it).

I didnt feel anything abnormal in the belly… were you thinking water belly? Could the heavy breathing (not as noticeable now) be from anemia?

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