Panic! Found chicken lying on her side


In the Brooder
Jun 24, 2022
I thought she was dead ! Whan I piucked her up she was alive. Her bottom has a lot of dirty feathers and dried and wet poo there. I cleaned it and placed it in a carboard box and brought it inside where it is warm. I took an egg and beat it and fed about 4 mls of the egg via a syringe. She started GASPING...and closing her eyes I thought she was going to die....
I massaged her neck and she is still alive. She does not stand up.... HELP!!!
thank you....... The baby is not well but she is still alive. I may add the only antibiotic I have in the next dose of beaten egg meal. This time I will use a little tube so that the food goes straight in her crop. If she was egg bound it should not afftect her bum area which was quite untidy and dirty. Might try to check if she is egg bound
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She is now resting. I gave her a second feed with antibiotic and some multivitamins (just in case she was not eating. Her comb is not upright but to the side. It has been so for a few days but I did not pay much attention to that. Thank you for the instructions on how to properly feed liquid to a chicken. Night time here. Tomorrow I will give her a warm long bath and check for a stuck egg. I read I should give her calcium just in case she has difficulty contracting. Any advice always very welcome
How old is she? Has she been laying eggs pretty regularly? Was she vaccinated for Mareks disease? Will she stand up if you lift her up? I would make sure that she is getting fluids every few hours. Mixing a mash of chicken feed with a lot of water can be offered to her in a small cup if she is awake. Human calcium citrate with vitamin d 3 can be good if ahe is egg bound.
I got given her 3 months ago so I don't know her age nor her vaccination status...
Are the symptoms my chicken has like Marek disease? I will administer some more fluid before the sleeping night.
I am not sure of her laying status. She is quite weak and not wanting to stand up. I just adminetered the liquid meal and she seems a little more alert but still not standing. In the morning will search for the egg...
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Read up on Marek's disease. Can't exclude it yet. Hope it is not... In the morning if her legs improve, it may exclude Marek....
It may take some time to try and determine what is wrong with her. She could have been injured, or she might be suffering from illness or dehydration. Hold off on any bath or soak if she is still very weak, as that can sometimes drive them over the edge. Do try to clean her vent area with soap and water, and look for any prolapse or maggots on her vent. Insert a finger into her vent to feel for a stuck egg. Are her legs moving if you touch them, and does she have any curled under toes? How does her crop feel—empty, full, puffy, firm, or doughy? Mareks is usually found in younger birds under a year old, but can happen at any age if exposed to a new carrier.
I cannot thank you enough for all your support. More info.

Got her with a 6 others from a lady that moved overseas. No idea how old they are
Looked and acted healthy and some(maybe all?) laid eggs but not daily ..but it is winter
They are older. I assume they are older because my other younger chickens were soon put in their place as far as pecking order goes and a couple have that squared look of older chickens.
When I first got her, the comb was nice and vertical.
2 months ago I saw blood splattered everywhere in the coop. A tiny piece of her comb was pecked at and it bled profusely. I washed her up and isolated her for 2 days and she joined the rest.

Noticed she was not very active
Her comb is flopped to one side
in the last couple of days she stood about but her neck was not upright. She was standing but her neck was tucked low(sleep mode?)
2 nights ago the coop door was forgotten open. Fox took 3 chickens. Thankfully the ones in the upper level were not killed.
Found her in the coop lying on her right side, her neck tucked in.
Picked her up and noticed vent area was quite dirty
Crop was empty or close to it
Took her to a warm laundry tub and started cleaning her bum area.
There was dried poo and very dirty feathers
She was very placid and easy to handle(too much so?)
Placed her in a cardboard box with a layer of hay
Last night gave her about 8mls of:
--beaten egg,
--pinch antibiotic powder
--Sustagen powder (Nutritional supplement beverage brand)

When I syringe it down her crop she takes it without too much fuss but her beak is open for a minute afterwards(is she gasping for air?) I thank Miss Lydia for the video on how to properly syringe feed a chicken.
She is thankfully alive, Not worse but can't confirm she is better
Placed 6 earthworms in front of her. No reaction. Although as I opened the box she did take a peck at the bottom of the cardboard box.
Gave her another 5mls of the above meal
I have not noticed any poo in the box. It may be early. Am expecting a wet discharge
I stood her up and she does stand up but her neck is tucked in.
Keeping her in a box close (but not too close) to a radiator (cold here)
later I will follow your instructions on
-- inserting finger to feel for an egg (what if I do feel it?)
-- prolapse
-- maggots

Her crop feels empty maybe doughy?
Can't say she has curled toes.
Looked at videos of Marek Chickens and , for now can confirm she does not appear to have such neurological/nerve issues
Will keep her isolated in the box until she improves or..... (

This shows the little girl after the morning feed. Her gasping has me concerned.

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