Part Time Parent

Im crazy about those boys, I always catch myself saying my boys but its seems like they are! Im starting college in a couple of months out of state im going to have major withdrawals lol!

So I was talking to C. (10yro) and he always says the funniest things! Todays conversation was on stealing...

C: I stole a toy from a kid once...
Me: Well C. thats not very nice!
(C. gives me the most sarcastic look and says...)
C: It was simpler times back then.

lol they make you laugh thats for sure!
One of my favorite sayings was; "I'm going to beat you senseless, and the beat you for being senseless." Come to think I still say it to the dogs. I can't recall ever even spanking the kids, let alone beat them, but I certainly offered too. We homeschooled the kids through high school, plus 2 years of community college. The kids were always with me. We didn't get a lot of breaks from each other during those years, but I have no regrets now. I do wish that I hadn't yelled as much.

As for leashes, I love them. For some kids it is the safest way for them to be out in public. They make such cute ones these days. I don't understand the hostility that some people have for them. It's just a safety thing. Not all little ones are willing to have their hands held all the time. I wish that my oldest DD had been wearing one the day she got lost in a mall.
Things have ben pretty hectic around the house with soccor and baseball starting but the boys are still onnery as ever!
I Am the proud Mother of 7 Children Three of whom I was Blessed enough to have been able to adopt. I still have a ten and 14 year old at home. I currently do full time day care for my Daughters three year old and just turning one year old twins .. I did Foster Care and day care for many years ..
Soo There is not a part of my Body that has not been Peed pooped or vomited on ! My Wrinkles are earned and my heart is Full. I now also have 8 Grand children total .. So I am Fluent in every thing from Baby Garble, and toddler talk -Teen irrationality .

My Mother used to say " Girl The Lord Gave you two Ears and only one Mouth ! So You Really should be Listening twice as much as running that Mouth !"
I am the incredibly proud momma of 4 boys ages 15, 12, 11, and 18 months. For two years I also had twin foster daughters so for awhile 3 in diapers at the same time, none of whom walked well. Life has been hectic and beautiful (and I just HAVE to say I am 100% anti leash...sorry, I just am). Anywhoooo....I had surgery recently (was hospitalized overnight) and I just had to throw in here what my 15 y/o said when I got home! First, he is HUGE, towers over me, big hairy man thing. He comes running out of the car when his Dad got him from school, grabbed me and started squeezing and said (with little misty tears) Mom, I am so glad you are back. This place is not home without you! Ahhhhh life is good! :)
It is Those moments that refuel us and carry us through the Total I Can not take this %$#$%@% and more times isn't it ! I hope you are on the Mend ... I Don't know If I would know what to do If I weren't changing a diaper or scooping poop any more lol.. But I wouldn't trade it for any thing

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