Partial paralysis, among other symptoms, help diagnose!

Update 2: She can slowly limp a few feet, though it seems to be pretty painful and exhausting.
Update: she seems ok now, still skinny and not walking perfectly but she's limping less and is acting normal.
Months too late, we got her an x-ray. The limping was due to her femur being broken in half, the abdominal swelling was herniation, and the situation wasn't helped by the fact that her liver was so swollen it was pressing her intestines further out of the abdominal cavity. The leg kept her in serious pain, which she hid well, and the liver ruled out pain medication. In the end we decided the kindest option was euthanasia, though I'm upset at myself for not getting her medical attention sooner and causing her to suffer since July. This is your reminder that prey animals hide pain, and what looks like stiffness could be excruciating. When in doubt, get a real diagnosis.

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