Patch of Dry Skin found on hen


Jul 10, 2020
Hi All,

One of my 2.5-3 year old golden laced wyandotte Hens "Blackhead" has been under the weather for about 5 days.

We have had to treat for scaly leg mites and roundworm in the past week. She did not show any obvious signs of either, but we treated the whole flock of 8 as advised. We started to notice weird behaviour just before we treated them. She had started kind of hanging out on her own, and hiding from us? Which is not normal for her - she's usually the biggest personality, patrolling, eating lots, she has always loved water. She's also a mid-point on the pecking order, but acts like she's the top. So, when she was suddenly kind of quiet, we noticed. She usually lays about 4 eggs a week... and I think it's been a 3-4 days since she has laid.

After we treated for scaly leg mites (with gasoline and vasoline x 2 rounds) and roundworm (safeguard paste x 1 round so far to be repeated after 10 days), we noticed she REALLY got quiet, almost always hiding and has barely been eating. Even the hens lower than her, who she usually bosses around, they are kind of checking on her, and chatting with her - they know something we don't!

Physical inspection... since we weighed her to dose the safeguard three days ago - we know she is down 2oz. I felt for an egg in her rear/belly, and don't feel anything. No mites or poultry lice. To my knowledge, she hasn't pooped any roundworms (she is just peeing the past couple of days), although the other girls certainly have.. barf. I noticed her vent had some old droppings that could use a cleanup, so I just gave her an epsom salt bath to try to soothe her, and to clean her up. When I was drying her, I noticed a patch of skin that looked like super dry, a bit darker. It's so far, the only physical clue that something is off. Her comb and face look good, her vent looks good.

Photos below show the skin, and the size of her with the circle shows approximately how big this patch is (this is an old pic of her).

Anyone have any insight?



So the wound is somewhat under her wing on the side?
Likely an injury from mating.

Clean the area well with hibiclens, inspect it to see if there's any swelling, odor of infection, broken skin, etc. Clean it daily. You can apply a bit of triple antibiotic ointment if you wish, but it may become goopy and sticky in that area.

Since she's getting picked on, it may be a good idea to section her off with her own space next to the flock for a couple of days for observation, treatment and for her to rest, eat/drink.

Is something going on with her left foot?

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