patching a hole

What is behind the particle board? If it's a wood frame, just nail a piece of plywood over the hole. Then if you have extra paint in the same color, just paint over and you'll hardly notice it.
Do you think it was a rodent chewing hole? If so, when you cover it, consider using some steel wool in the hole and covering both sides with a patch. Rodents hate steel wool and will avoid an area it they bite into some. Check along the coop for more that are harder to see- once you're down on your knees with a hammer and nails you might as well get all of them!
The easiest thing, which would work ok, would be to cut a piece of exterior grade plywood or other patch material, several healthy inches larger on each side than your hole is, then sand off any loose paint where it'll go, and use construction adhesive to glue the patch on. Depending on your sense of aesthetics, you could even shape the patch like an egg or a chicken or the sun or whatever else ya like. Or not

For a less ugly-or-cute look, and a slightly more durable job, take a piece of 1x6 or 1x8 long enough to span the top of the doorway plus some extra. You will be mounting it centered over the door, so it has to stick out enough to the sides to cover that hole. Locate where the studs are in the wall framing, and screw the piece of wood on into them. Then caulk along the top and side seams (where it is against the wall). It will look like a fancy trim detail
Or I suppose you could make it into a coop sign if you prefer.

Good luck, have fun,


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