This is a cool site I ran across, thought I owuld share it
I was given 3 of those fabric panels that you cut out the pieces on that you stuff and they are turkeys when you are done. Has anyone done those and are they hard? I'm not crafty, I don't sew, and my sewing machine is a 1907 model anyway. It looks interesting, and they seem like they'd be pretty when you are done with them.
If it is the one with the seperate tail piece, it is fairly easy..just mke sure when you stuff around the head area to stuff firm so it doesn't flop..I use a small dowell piece and insert it in the neck to help give it could use a pencil etc.
LOL that is a cute purse! I've decided I'm just not crafty enough to do this, sneaky yes, crafty no. My mom came in this morning and asked why I had that turkey/pumpkin thing hanging on the livingrool wall. I said I liked it, there was no way I was going to say I hung it there days ago to take a picture and haven't taken it down yet.

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