Peabody Hotel in Memphis Hiring a Duckmaster !


Rest in Peace 1956-2011
11 Years
Aug 25, 2008

, TN - (WMC-TV) - The historic Peabody Hotel is looking to hire an Assistant Duckmaster.

There are three Peabody Hotels and only six Duckmasters in the world. Jason Sensat is the Memphis hotel's Duckmaster. Simple scheduling allows him time off.

"I've got to spend time with the family," said Sensat.

Sensat's assistant is stepping down, and the historic hotel is currently seeking an assistant Duckmaster.

An online job posting requires a high school diploma or equivalent, but a good applicant must also demonstrate the ability to work well with the ducks.

Once on the job, a Duckmaster wows crowds and signs autographs for the fans. They also provide constant care to the ducks.

"It takes a lot of people skills, a lot of patience with animals, and just a strong desire to see people smile," said Sensat.

Hundreds have applied for the job. The current assistant will stay on until a replacement is hired.

The assistant Duckmaster's other job will be concierge. The pay scale has not been publicized.

Copyright 2011 WMC-TV. All rights reserved.

Now THAT sounds like a fun job!
I don't know...I think it would be fun!
Maybe I am just weird...........*don't say anything...I am warning you*
Not touching that statement with a 10 foot pole, Harlan......

Whoever gets the job will have to be really good with people and ducks! I'd love it.
Absolutely! This would suit me right down to my soul.
Most of my family is in Tennessee so it's win-win for me!

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