Peach Butter

I didn't know that, maybe that is why it didn't really thicken? It wasn't much less than the recipe, like 1/2 a cup.
The peach butter is simply wonderful! I have been holding myself back from opening one of the jars!

Well, so much for that! I tried the peach butter today but once I added the sugar (only put in half of the 4 cups it called for), I walked away for a couple minutes and when I came back it was scalded. I wasn't going to try it again but if you say it's so good, maybe I'll give it another go. Mine had a LOT of water in it though so I'm sure it would've taken a lot longer than the 30 mins. they called for to thicken it. I know it was like that with my pumpkin butter. And I didn't even add any water when I cooked the peaches down!

Oh, yeah, the chickens didn't mind that I scalded it. They enjoyed the treat!​

I scalded mine a bit too, even on "low". I still used it and tried not to scrape the bottom. I didnt notice that it affected the taste at all. I added some water to it and it might have been too much, I was guesstimating. Maybe before pureeing them, it would help to drain some of the liquid out first. I didn't think of doing that before. I guess you live and learn, right? We picked about 5 1/2 gallons of peaches tonight, so I will be busy tomorrow. It feels like I haven't left the house in days with all the canning! I just hate to see any of it go to waste. I am running low on jars, so I may end up just slicing them and freezing them, if I can find room to store them in the freezer! I am thinking a peach smoothie sounds reallllly good.......

Good luck on trying again. Practice makes perfect...or so I've heard!
I'll probably give it a go. I bought some "seconds" peaches tonight that would be good for that. Tomorrow, though, I'll be canning the good ones--2 bushels. I really need to get to bed...
I am doing mine on the stove. I can't try too many new things at once, ya know! LOL I will have to give the crock pot recipe a shot another time. I am doing another batch of sliced peaches and peach butter today. I am so sick of peeling peaches it ain't even funny. We still have another tree loaded that I think we are just going to pick and give them to friends at church.

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