Peacock eggs not hatching @ day 30


10 Years
Aug 29, 2010
Started with 21 days in incubator. Peachicks were still alive and bopping around when I candled them at day 21. Then placed them under my broody hen. They were due Tuesday. I’ve never had them go longer than 28 days when using the incubator. Today is day 30. Should I be concerned? What’s the longest I should wait?
Are you able to candle the eggs again or is your broody a bit too serious about her job? They could just be a little bit delayed under a broody. :fl
Today is day 35. Tried to candle them but it’s very hard for me to see anything. Am I looking for movement? Really thought we would’ve had a few chicks by now. 😥
Today is day 35. Tried to candle them but it’s very hard for me to see anything. Am I looking for movement? Really thought we would’ve had a few chicks by now. 😥

Had the air cells developed a slant? You won't see much movement, if any, but if the air cell is slanted, at the high side of the air cell you may see a bit of a moving shadow as the chick positions itself to pip into the low end of the air cell. If the egg is dead the chick will sink slightly towards the narrow end of the egg and develop a yellow, watery layer between it and the bottom of the air cell.
At this stage water candling would be an option. Look up directions and be sure the water is body temp. Usually the jiggling is very obvious within 30 seconds.
JayG you unknowingly answered a question I've been searching for a few weeks now. I live on a farm and my dogs got out and chased away the mother peahen. She didn't come back for them and I had no idea how long she had been sitting on them. I've been to find of there's a way you can tell when they're suppose to hatch. In your post to someone else you said the air sac would look like it's drooping and that you'd see very little movement. I candeled my eggs today and that's exactly what I saw. What should I do now?

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