Peacock killing a duck?

I do have to update this story to report that a raccoon was actually caught in the act of killing ducks in another pen, so Peggy was declared: "Innocent!"
Relief all around.
I do have to update this story to report that a raccoon was actually caught in the act of killing ducks in another pen, so Peggy was declared: "Innocent!"
Relief all around.
Those darn raccoons! I knew it!

So did the owner hear a noise and come out to find a raccoon or did a camera catch the raccoon in the act?
I'm not sure exactly what happened, only that he caught a raccoon in the act of killing ducks...bad news for the raccoon.
Peggy thanks you all for your support in his time of false accusation!
I do have to update this story to report that a raccoon was actually caught in the act of killing ducks in another pen, so Peggy was declared: "Innocent!"
Relief all around.

Sorry the person lost all those ducks, glad the owner caught the coon and cleared Peggy's good name, it was also great that the owner of the ducks came forward with his find and let you know what we already knew...

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