Peacocks and ducks in the outback


In the Brooder
5 Years
Dec 30, 2014
Mulyandry, Australia
HI to all,
I am a new member,artist and teacher living in central west nsw raising ducks and peacocks. I learn as I go which is such an interesting experience.

I would love to team up with peacock and duck owners to share experiences and knowledge.

to get his started, my KC eggs are sat on my a muscovy. the eggs have just hatched, well half of them. she now strattles the eggs while the ducklings sit on the eggs. I am now thinking that the eggs are past the 28 days and that is for the batch.

kathryn duck lover
Hi Kathryn, nice to meet you. If you go to "Other backyard Poultry" forum above, you will find threads for duck, geese, Pea fowl, emus etc. They should be best at answering your questions. Glad you joined the BYC flock.
Welcome to BYC!
We're glad to have you.
Hi to all, what a nice greeting. I am recent to the poultry world, but out in the country and being a biology teacher, I could not resist. I have also found myself on a steep learning curve with my Khaki Campbells and peacocks. My muscovy of course takes over the sitting on KC eggs and does a great job.

Looking forward to sharing bird experiences.

G'day, and welcome to BYC, Kathyrn. Glad you decided to join our flock. I'm a chicken person and don't know much about peafowl or ducks, but definitely post on our peafowl and duck sections at and, and take advantage of our peafowl and duck experts on those sections. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your flock.

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