Peacocks for flock protection

Are you talking about in the pen and coop? Or free ranging?

In the pen and coop we have never had a problem. But freeranging we have had a fox try to get two chickens and the peacock "screamed" The chickens only lost some feathers. But were not killed. I will add that this was when the peacock was younger too. And we now make it a habit to never let them free range without being able to be outside with them now. We have not only see foxes but other animals here.

Hope this helped
They will have a coop and an enclosed free range area, about a 60ft diameter circle, that will be covered by netting. I don't know if I need a separate housing arrangement for the peacock or if they will roost with the chickens in the coop. Does your peacock roost with the chickens? How large is your coop?
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Peacocks like to roost up high. We could never get ours to roost anywhere but on top of the coop! My dh bought a book just on peacocks and they warned of this. Our pen is 20 x 25 rectangle shape. The fencing is 5 foot high I believe. If we had netting over the top of everything he could not roost on top of the coop I guess. But we don't have that. I don't know the exact measurements of our coop. It is a decent size. The peacock will get in there when it rains or if we have high winds form hurricaines.

Edited to add: Sometimes our peacock flies out of the run to pick up bugs, etc. or he will fly up and sit on our gate to the run. I wish he would let us pet him. But that is a big NO! I have talked to a man that raises them and he said they love boiled eggs and will come to you. Well not ours :-(
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