
my 2 pekins go nuts over peas
I don't even bother defrosting the frozen peas because they don't even seem to chew them

it's like watching the cookie monster from sesame street eat cookies.
I drop a handful of peas on the ground and the girls go wild. Peas flying in the air as they peck away madly trying to outdo each other. It's comical to watch. And when we hand feed them the peas, they almost nibble off our fingers lol
Scrambled eggs are their favorite though. Peas are a close second.
scrambled chicken or duck eggs??? I just assumed ducks were like chickens and it was a bad idea letting them get a taste for eggs.... By scrambling them (I assume also adding milk and cooking?) does that let them get the nutrients without getting a desire to crack and eat their own raw eggs?
I seen it listed on the Ultimate List of Duck Treats

Eggs- ****
(Scrambled and diced up for ducklings over 2 weeks old)
Cooked only. Scrambled (with no or very little oil, you can use a Pam spray) or hardboiled, chopped with shells on. The shells are a good source of calcium. You can cook extra duck eggs and give it right back to the ducks to eat.

My Ducks are not of laying age yet, so I am not sure about what will happen once they start laying. I have read several people feed their ducks eggs though.
my 2 pekins go nuts over peas
I don't even bother defrosting the frozen peas because they don't even seem to chew them

it's like watching the cookie monster from sesame street eat cookies.
I drop a handful of peas on the ground and the girls go wild. Peas flying in the air as they peck away madly trying to outdo each other. It's comical to watch. And when we hand feed them the peas, they almost nibble off our fingers lol
Oh my goodness! I tried giving my ducks peas today and they just looked at me. I dropped a few on the ground and they would not touch them, I laid the plate next to their food and it looked like they ate a few maybe. I haven't tried eggs yet. I'm just so surprised about the peas!
It always takes mine a little bit before they will try something new. I saw how my mom's chickens went over watermelon so I had some that at my house that got left out from the night before. Rather than throw it away I decided to see if it would interest my ducks. I put it out for them and they snubbed their nose at it. I even tore a piece off and offered it in my hand and there was absolutely no interest. I left them and went to tend my garden, after about 30 minutes I all of a sudden started hearing a lot of excited honking and quacking. I thought for sure something was trying to attack them... I went running and they had discovered the joy that is watermelon and were going nuts LOL They are now starting to trust my judgement and if I offer them something new they are all over it because they know it must be something good if it comes from me and looks edible lol

If I throw the peas in their water I usually have to do it fairly soon after putting in fresh water. Most of them sink, (I dont know why some sink and some float unless it is the difference in how thawed each pea is) especially while they are showing little interest in them, most of them may get wasted.
My birds will pretty much eat anything if I toss it into their pool. They also eat the random bug that floats on the surface, they will also eat stuff off the bottom of the pool. The first time that I fed them peas, I mooshed them just a little so they could try them a little easier. Now they just go wild for peas. Gave them a little watermelon last night. The chickens would kill for the juicy sweetness of watermelon, while the ducks and geese just treated that like any other snack. LOL I guess there's just no accounting for taste.

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