Pecked in the eye by a chicken??

I am also pecked by my chicken. What worse is he is one of my favorites! He was just dancing to my toes then the next thing I know was he pecked my right eye. I could not open my eye for a day. It was swollen and sore. Gladly, the day after, I could finally open it but my vision is blurry. There is no blood nor scratch. Do I just have to wait for it to come back to normal? I am really worrying right now because I am having headaches (but now severe tho).
I got pecked in the eye by a turkey a while back. It should only be blurry for a couple days. Although, on some mornings when my eyes are particularly runny that eye tends to be more blurry. It shouldn't be too bad unless he pecked you really hard.
Just got it in the eye.

Our Welsummer, Chikira, was sitting on my shoulder "singing" (read: screaming). I guess she didn't much like my impersonation of her.

Can't wait to see how this looks in a few days.

Safety goggles next time I decide to sing back. 🥽

I have 8 4-week old buff orpington chicks and they're so sweet. Today I was adding more shavings to the back of the brooder and one of them pecked me right in the eye. It hurt so bad, but luckily it didn't do anything to my actual eye. Had my eyelid bleed though.
Hahah ya I got pecked in the eye before and... It hurt and my eyelid started turin red and puffy and when I got inside.. there was a SCRATCH in my EYE!!!! And it was all blurry in that eye, I did research to see what happens and it's s"pose to heal after 3 days and it did! I just had to learn that lesson the hard way
Just happened about 3 hours ago. Eyelid is puffy and blurry like you said.

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